Preset Update to go with MFC-101 release?

Shreddy Better

With the talk of the MFC-101 being a plug and play item: will the presets be updated to include some real time control with say expression pedal input 1 and 2 from the MFC. I don't mind updating everything manually, just asking.
also question 2. Obviously Tue 5/25/2010 2:06 PM on the waiting list did not make the first wave of MFC's from the factory. How far did ya get time-wise in the first wave of coupon e-mailings?
Shreddy Better said:
...also question 2. Obviously Tue 5/25/2010 2:06 PM on the waiting list did not make the first wave of MFC's from the factory. How far did ya get time-wise in the first wave of coupon e-mailings?

Re: question 2, I don't think there's any evidence that ANY of the waiting list has been serviced yet. Cliff only said that the first shipments were going out to "a select group", so that could just be a few hand-picked final beta testers. Most buyers, even those on the wait list, would want to at least see the manual and the official product literature first before sending cash.

FWIW, My own date on the wait list is June 28th 2008. No coupon email yet!
Someone mentioned on a different thread that he/she had received 2x coupons from FA for the MFC. Maybe just trolling??
JustinAiken said:
He said in the post, not in the email...
Hey JustinAiken - please bear with me.
Can you please clarify: Who said what. In what post. What you mean by post (e.g. a posting in this forum or are you referring to snail mail). What email you are referring to and if said email was sent or received by the person you're referring to.

In other words that reply managed to confuse the heck out of me. :)
JustinAiken said:
Not sure what they meant... it's the third reply in this thread: ... 14&t=18798
Ah, I see. Yeah, that is what I was referring to. Maybe (s)he's confusing a "confirmed" email with a voucher. I believe "post" means email. I'm less confused now :)

EDIT: Since my "post means email" comment caused additional confusion, I was referring to how the word "post" was used in said post. I'm going around in circles aren't I? :)
Post refers to making a comment in a thread on a forum, blog, etc. Different from an email where you specify certain recipients and send a message to someone's email address.
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