Preset Stopped working after communication lag with Axe Edit


I was using Moke's awesome Eruption plexi patch tonight with FW 16 while connected to Axe Edit, when the patch just stopped working after a communication lag with Axe Edit. I can't figure it out. It worked for a few minutes when I first played the preset tonight, but then just stopped. I went through all the blocks and shunts looking for a disconnect. The patch before it and after it work just fine. Finally, I reloaded the same patch from my Download folder, and it still doesn't work. I wonder if FW 16 isn't compatible with older tone match blocks, or is this an AE and FW 16 issue, or if I rushed through changing presets to quickly and corrupted the preset somehow. Any ideas what may have happened? I loaded in a fresh factory preset into the same slot and it works fine.

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