Preset list in FM9 Edit green thumbtack -- which scene is selected?



From within FM9 Edit, selecting the Preset button brings up a white screen which lists all the presets in the unit. Clicking on the small green thumbtack allows the user to quickly scroll through those Presets without leaving that list screen.

My question: how was the scene attributed to those Presets determined? In other words -- staying on that screen (with the green thumbtack activated) -- any Preset selected will only have one scene (within that Preset) also selected, but as I dig deeper into this feature, I realize that the scenes I am auditioning through this feature seem to vary considerable from Preset to Preset. I am wondering if there was some sort of rationale behind the decision of WHICH SCENE is activated as one cycles through Presets in this manner?
The Default scene for that preset.

Check the Default Scene global setup parameter. It could be a specific scene number or "as saved".
The presets load the scene based upon your setting in the Setup>Global Settings>Default Scene. You can select a specific scene # to load or load the scene the preset was on when last saved.
Ah.....thank you all. "Default scene"....yes, I think that is the term I was looking for. I guess I was just wondering if Fractal had some sort of rationale for the default scene as i toggled through the Presets (since it was not always "Scene 1," etc).

I appreciate the kind replies.
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