Preset Levels and Output clipping

I'm always conscious of "level inflation" as I'm tweaking a patch. I have to be, because generally, if a change boosts the loudness of a patch, my ear wants to hear it as an improvement.

It's kind of like the old Pepsi/Coke taste tests. Pepsi tended to win because it's sweeter, and after one taste, the brain perceives "sweeter" as "better." But in follow-up studies, they determined that most people were more likely to drink an entire six pack of Coke in a week than Pepsi; the sweetness boost isn't an advantage in the long term.

...But I'm rambling.

My main reason for posting is that any time I've downloaded somebody else's patch from Axe Change, it's usually so hot that it hits the Output Clip lights even playing single notes.

For instance, I just downloaded André Anouck's "HuNTErish_" patch, and I can barely touch the strings without digitally clipping. Now, I know how to fix that, but I'm just curious whether I'm the only person experiencing this over and over.

I play a Carvin SH575 (two passive humbuckers, not unusually hot), and I very rarely turn the pickup volume knob down from 10, but I don't think that's all that unusual; just never really got used to the volume knob technique lots of people use to vary dynamics and gain.

Has anybody else noticed this?
Some people's presets run hot. Some are dialed in with lower-output pickups. With some, the author didn't notice the clipping. On some people's rigs, even some of the factory presets will clip.

As you said, it's an easy fix.
I just recently shared my presets and everyone who downloaded them had the same experience as you. Reason being, I have my master volume at -6db so I tend to pump up the preset volume to compensate.
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