Preset causes CPU Overload on MKII - How about on an XL?


I created the following preset on my MKII and I'm on the ragged edge of CPU overload. Can one of you guys with an XL kindly load it up in your unit and tell me what the load is on a XL? On my MKII this preset will crackle from time to time and when I open AxeEdit it's unplayable (AxeEdit shows 95% CPU load). I don't own a MFC101, so that's not connected. Running 15.06.

Your help is appreciated.


  • _Base Patch cw Synth.syx
    6.3 KB · Views: 19
There's no additional processing power on the XL which means there's no reason to suspect it'll run with more headroom on an XL.
I find that a cpu any higher than 90% can produce those crackles, so yes a Patch that has 95% cpu usage will have crackles from time to time in it, there is nothing you can do about that but lower the usage.
94-95% with USB connected.

To decrease CPU usage:
- disconnect USB
- disable noise gate in Input menu
- remove one of the TS8 blocks
- switch Cab to Normal mode
- switch to another Verb type, and / or decrease Reverb Density
- remove Megatap Delay (doesn't seem to do anything, Envelope is not triggered)
Thanks for the suggestions. I've been away for a while and only now had a chance to catch up on the thread. I'll try some of your suggestions yek, and see how things turn out. Thanks for checking the load on an XL and posting it.
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