Preset Building: Tone Morphing

ok... so we need a starting point..
presets that morph one tone into another may not start life with complex configurations
but they can certainly end up that way as each new layer of capability is added on top of the next..

so how do you get started?

- concept
you need a clear idea of the functionality that you are trying to create
this means knowing the Expression Pedal [XP] toe down and heel down tones that you are aiming for
this also means thinking about the various other capabilities you want to reside within the preset

- plan
before you start, think carefully about your concept and how you can try to achieve it
this will often mean performing small isolated experiments first
sometimes this is just to find out how to assign things
others it can be to find out how to solve specific problems
putting pen to paper and sketching ideas can really help

here's the first new concept:
- a preset with 3 scenes
-- scene1 = riff
-- scene2 = solo
-- scene3 = clean amp
- tone morph the scene1 and scene2 tones clean <- -> dirty
- scene3 heel down introduces some ambient fx

plan [things to do list]:
- scene1 will run a pair of amps together to create a thick riffing tone [Amp1:X and Amp2:X]
- scene2 will run a hi-gain amp [Amp1:Y]
- scene3 will run a thick clean tone amp [Amp2:Y]
FW10 has changed things tonally and also delivered a pile of new amps and cabs
the current task is to find amp / cab combinations that will satisfy the tonal requirements set out above
new 'lab' presets
- Riff Left Lab
- Riff Right Lab
- Solo Lab
- Clean Lab
Note: the riffing amps must be tonally different so that they generate a sense of power, but quite similar so that they blend well

time to play....
riffing amps:

I've done some experimentation and found as expected that some amps have changed in FW10
what I was looking for is a pair of amps to use to riff with simultaneously
amp1 panned hard left and amp2 panned hard right

previously I'd always liked the VH4ch4 with the 5153Red
this was because I was not using x-y switching, so it meant that I needed a more general purpose tonal capability
now that I'm adding x-y capabilities into the mix, it allows me to look for a tighter pair of amps to riff with

given that I like the Peavey / Diezel combination, and that I'll looking for a tighter low end, my first port of call was the VH4ch3 and 5153Blue
to my ears, the VH4ch3 hasn't come out quite so well in FW10, it seems to be missing something [I can't put my finger on what it is though]
EDIT: the Herbert ch2+ is sounding beautiful... jeez I just can't leave it alone...

the 5153Blue sounds excellent and so I now have amp1:X determined
I tried out some other amps.. I really like the Brit JVM models..
but the one that really hit me was the Herbert ch2+
it sounds close enough to the 5153Blue to blend well, and different enough to add power and energy..

amp1:X = 5153Blue
amp2:X = Herbert ch2+
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just had a bit of an idea

I have 4 'Lab' presets

- Riff Left Lab <- done
- Riff Right Lab <- done
- Solo Lab
- Clean Lab

this means that amps 1 and 2 X side are sorted

amp1:Y will be used for the soloing tone and amp2:Y will be used for the clean amp

if I make the two riffing amps globals
then copy them into the solo and clean lab presets
and make the riffing cabs globals and copy them too
it means that when I'm working on the clean and soloing amps / cabs on the Y side
when I'm done and can save these amps and cabs as globals and drop them nicely into my new experimental preset and start work on the scenes, x-y switching and modifiers

it'll save a ton of time and I avoid using AE to mess with parms and to move the saved amps and cabs around
before I finally settle on my riffing tones..
I seriously feel the need to explore more cabs..
especially the new ones..

I'm seriously liking what I have found already..
but at this early stage in things.. I think it's best to leave no stone unturned as they say...
If I can't find anything better than I have already I'll be a very happy pixie
if I can... then that'll just be an awesome bonus...
just thought of another cool side effect of the 'amp lab' presets...

given that these are just amp -> cab
and that they are globally linked [to the master presets that they'll spawn]
it makes them perfect for reamping with because it'll be my core tones without all the clutter of my live config...
the riffing amp cab combinations are done [well at least I think so]

amp1:X = 5153Blue -------> cab left = 4x12 Basketweave TV Mix
amp2:X = Herbert ch2+ --> cab right = 4x12 1960a GM12M (RW)

and to verify that I had the correct combination [having been riffing for a good few hours]..
I'm gonna keep riffing until the police come to tell me to turn it down...
I think it's sounding lovely.. fat and aggressive...

so to nail the soloing and clean tones for the Y sides of the amps...
and then re-save amp1, amp2 and cab1 as globals so that I can implant them into my main preset..

FW10 is rockin' ! ! ! !
just been playing around with my solo tone

amp1:Y = 5153Red -------> cab left = 4x12 Basketweave TV Mix / cab right = 4x12 1960a GM12M (RW)

at this point, even without delay and reverb...
just plain Jane
oh my God yes......
you know how some things are not supposed to work?????
well.. I'm kinda attracted to that sort of thing..
it's like a magnet to me

so hears my clean tone

amp2:Y = JCM800 -------> cab left = 4x12 Basketweave Green Mix / cab right = 4x12 Basketweave AX Mix

to my ears....
it's simply beautiful...

thick and full bodied
great clarity
thumps a little less than the Hiwatt [which I also adore] so it's great for funk too

I have my "triple channel" rig
from amp1, amp2 and cab1 [stereo]

scene1 - "riff channel"
amp1:X = 5153Blue -------> cab1:X left = 4x12 Basketweave TV Mix
amp2:X = Herbert ch2+ --> cab1:X right = 4x12 1960a GM12M (RW)

scene2 - "solo channel"
amp1:Y = 5153Red -------> cab1:X left = 4x12 Basketweave TV Mix / cab1:X right = 4x12 1960a GM12M (RW)

scene3 - "clean channel"
amp2:Y = JCM800 -------> cab1:Y left = 4x12 Basketweave Green Mix / cab1:Y right = 4x12 Basketweave AX Mix

Note to Clarky:
the two amps and the cab are saved global / linked in user slot 10
here's the bonus that comes with the JCM

I can assign the boost to a modifier is I choose, and maybe also assign a vol with another boost to crunch it up
crunch tones are not really typical places where Clarky's hang out...
but it my be a fun addition to pop in once I have everything that's actually needed..

because by using scenes and x-y to switch between amps [mute / un-mute] and alter panning [on amp1 when it switches between riff and solo] I've saved a pile of modifiers
more spare modifiers = more fun stuff that can be done with them
the two amps and cabs have just be transplanted into my experimental preset Riff/Solo1Xt4

Riff/Solo1Xt4 is the same fundamental layout as the older Riff/Solo1ST3

in fact, the Xt4 preset is a copy of the ST3 preset
but it has had all of the modifiers removed that control bypass and level
amp panning is now handled via x-y
plus it's had the scenes added...

I still need to get the morphing tidied up...
when it's all working I'll break it down, explain how it works and post grid pics and audio clips...

this preliminary trial sounds wonderful...

loving this....
loving it a lot
I will do when the tone morphing is set up..
it's not all in there yet..

so far, I've just got the new amps and cab implanted into the main preset
and I've set up the scenes and x-y

my next job is to start setting up all the morphing
MFC config:

10 preset switches per bank on the MFC
the presets are used such that one preset is used for one type of song [so I stay in one preset the whole time]

hit the reveal switch on the MFC and the IA's are configured as follows:

IA1 = "Riff" triggers scene1 plus modifier: extern5 'min'
IA2 = "Solo" triggers scene2 plus modifier: extern5 'max'
IA3 = "Clean" triggers scene3
IA4 = misc extra stomp / FX chain 1
IA5 = misc extra stomp / FX chain 2

expression pedals:
XP1 = morphs the riff and solo tones to another tone [clean or a synth-like pad]
XP2 / toe switch = wah

IA's 1, 2 and 3 are 'linked' so the correct IA LED is lit for the currently active mode [riff, solo or clean]
if unlinked, when you hit IA1 for the Riff scene and the LED turns green, hit IA2 for the Solo scene and that LED turns on..
now you have both LEDs on....
link the IA's [section 12.5.10 in the MFC manual]
edit: setup: LinkA
you can then put in the IA numbers that you want to link
in my case I'm running 3 scenes on IA's 1, 2 and 3
LinkA 01 02 03

now when I'm in scene1 with IA1 lit, and hit IA2 for scene2, the IA1 LED switches off and the IA2 LED is lit
I switch back and IA1 is lit, IA2 switches off

the IA's are set to 'general' [switching via CC rather than via 'scene1' for example]
this is to enable them to send two MIDI CC commands [one to select the scene and the other for the modifier]
this is because scene changes alone are not enough to cope with what I require when making the transition between riff to solo and back
this means that I need to use a modifier to handle the parts that scenes cannot handle [changing gain values on a mixer block]
modifier: extern5 is used for this where:
- the 'min' value = 'riff'
- the 'max' value = 'solo'

IA1: none / c1 CC:34 0 0 [scene1] / c2 CC:20 0 0 [modif: extern5]
IA2: none / c1 CC:34 1 1 [scene2] / c2 CC:20 127 127 [modif: extern5]
IA3: none / c1 CC:34 2 2 [scene3] / c2 CC:21 0 127 [modif:extern6]
IA4: none / c1 CC:22 0 127 [modif: extern7]
IA5: none / c1 CC:23 0 127 [modif: extern8]

XP1: CC:16 [modif: extern1] <-- tone morphing
XP2: CC:17 [modif: extern2] <-- wah
XP2 toe switch: CC:24 [modif: extern9] <-- wah toe switch
I've managed to get the tone morphing working right again...
it was far simpler than expected

I just need to refine a few things and add a couple of extra features [from my lil' wish list] to see if I can squeeze them in..

when that's all sorted out / proven, I'll record a little something and provide a breakdown of how all this works...
I guess you could say I got carried away with some stuff...

latest MFC config

IA1 = "Riff" triggers scene1 plus modifier: extern5 'min'
IA2 = "Solo" triggers scene2 plus modifier: extern5 'max'
IA3 = "Clean" triggers scene3
IA4 = scene4 [a misc scene which will do something different / or nothing at all in each preset]
IA5 = misc extra stomp / FX chain 2

expression pedals:
XP1 = morphs the riff and solo tones to another tone [clean or a synth-like pad]
XP2 / toe switch = wah

IA1: none / c1 CC:34 0 0 [scene1] / c2 CC:20 0 0 [modif: extern5]
IA2: none / c1 CC:34 1 1 [scene2] / c2 CC:20 127 127 [modif: extern5]
IA3: none / c1 CC:34 2 2 [scene3] / c2 CC:21 0 127 [modif:extern6]
IA4: none / c1 CC:34 3 3 [scene4]
IA5: none / c1 CC:23 0 127 [modif: extern8]

XP1: CC:16 [modif: extern1] <-- tone morphing
XP2: CC:17 [modif: extern2] <-- wah
XP2 toe switch: CC:24 [modif: extern9] <-- wah toe switch

LinkA 01 02 03 04
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