Presence setting on a Mesa Boogie 2:90 poweramp?


Fractal Fanatic
How much do you turn up the presence knobs on a Mesa Boogie 2:90 poweramp? Those that use this with the Axe Fx......
9 0'CLOCK OR 11 O'CLOCK.....anything more just seems ice picky....just wondered what others were using. Thx!
I run mine at 5 mostly. That seems to be perfect. Mind you i don't use the power sims with the boogie so it might be different with the power sims on due to the presence already in the simulated power stage.
I tried with and without power sims. At low volume it definitely sounded better with. At gigging volume though adding the power sims made it too flubby and hairy. Without, it cleaned up so much nicer with my guitar volume and was tight and crunchy.
Mesa Mark IV has a 2:90 right? When I had that amp I usually had the presence off. However when recording I had it at 4.
what about those using a 50/50 how you run the presence? and how about using the amp without presence and with the sims on?
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