Preamp into Tonematch block!


Hello, guys!

I use poweramp and real cabs with the Axe FX. How can I take advantage of preamps cabs?

Would not it be nice to have them in the ToneMatch block, since the cabs are offs?

Thanks all!
Start using cab blocks! I play out of four mesa 4*12 cabs (loud) and still prefer the cab block sims. Seems crazy to not use them. But yes a solution for when you want just cabs is cool too.
Start using cab blocks! I play out of four mesa 4*12 cabs (loud) and still prefer the cab block sims. Seems crazy to not use them. But yes a solution for when you want just cabs is cool too.

Hello! I have tried, but the tone is better with them off. I think it's because given use mesa simul class 2:90 and not a style Matrix.

Thanks for help!
Interesting. I also use a Mesa 2:90 and still find the cab blocks way better. Any chance you just havent experimented with enough blocks? Perhaps its just preference or something is wrong with my cabs but to me there is no comparison. Either way as along as you are happy my fellow Mesa brotha!
Interesting. I also use a Mesa 2:90 and still find the cab blocks way better. Any chance you just havent experimented with enough blocks? Perhaps its just preference or something is wrong with my cabs but to me there is no comparison. Either way as along as you are happy my fellow Mesa brotha!

Sorry for the late reply! In my case the tone loses much treble. I'll post a video showing the differences soon.

The "Null CAB" worked in XL and was very good. The problem is the CPU. I have a Mark II and an XL, I'm thinking of using them to soften, because with the mic preamp was beautiful! Sorry my English and thanks for all!
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