Pre Output Channel Strip: FRFR Backline QSC K10

I normally run my Axe direct to FOH and use in ears, but I have the occasional pickup gig where a backline speaker would be preferable for monitoring. I enjoy the way the rig sounds through my Presonus Studiolive mixer with the EQ and compression from the mixing board. For backline purposes I plan to take OUT 2 mono and run to my QSC K10. However it doesn't sound as good raw without the enhancement from the mixer. This is probably because I build my patches inline with the mixer and I'm used to the sound of the Studiolive's channel strip.

I'm considering running what I'd call "Post EQ" after my normal amp/cab/delay etc for my OUT 2 backline via the FX Send. I plan on putting in a GEQ and some compression in an attempt to duplicate the Studiolive's channel strip. Has anyone else messed with this idea of EQing before the mixer?

It might be useful to explain, I play regularly with a cover band and provide my own PA for every gig so I build my patches at home through the same PA rig for the sake of consistency. That's why I rely on EQing from the board as opposed to building my patches with a flat EQ.
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