poweramp sims question


hiya i am running my axe through a mesa 2:100 and zilla cab.
I am finding that for high gain sounds the sound is much more organic with power amp sims off.
However for cleans and mid gain the poweramp set to on no thump is perfect, is there a way around this dilema at all because when i engage them on high gain all the amps sound processed but without sound incredible.
Yes. Turn on power amp modeling in Global.
In the hi-gain presets set SAG to zero.
With Sag at zero, power amp is off and Damp will no longer operate as Damp. Same goes for other power amp-related params such as Presence.

TBH, I never adjust Damp.
I've got a related question: I use my Axe FX with a tube poweramp and cab. I play Metal, thus I use High gain amp models.
How do you guys set SAG and DAMP parameters in that configuration?
With that rig it's probably wise to turn off global power amp simulation. In which case Sag and Damp are off too.
With that rig it's probably wise to turn off global power amp simulation. In which case Sag and Damp are off too.

I think I prefer how it sounds with the global power amp simulation ON. But do you guys with the same rig prefer turning the SAG all the way down (but >0) in that case?
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