Power Conditioner yes or no?

Another thing to consider is that most "power conditioners" (at least the ones around the $100 price point) are little more than glorified (read: more expensive and heavier) surge protector strips. Only when you get up to $200-400+ do you get some meaningful additional features. The only exception to this that I know of is power sequencers, but even then, you can easily flip each power switch yourself.
I've used a conditioner or regulator ever since I have been using quality (read expensive) gear. I have personally watched bandmate's gear very literally go up in smoke on a gig while mine was saved by a resetting conditioner. I get paid to play so I do everything I can to make sure I can do just that. We play in all kinds of environments, from new halls with great power systems to outdoor gigs with ridiculous generator power that spikes and surges constantly... you just never know.

To each his or her own, but I have a resetting conditioner on my guitar rig and a regulator on the PA gear I own at front of house. I wouldn't play without them.
I had a lightning strike take out a basic Furman once, but nothing else down the line was damaged...there is also the point that it's nice to have some additional power outlets in your rack and pull-out lights are nice too. They don't cost that much anyway...
This is all great info - and what I'm reading (although I'm getting ready to put words in people's mouths) is that unless you go for a voltage regulator like the Furman AR-1215, the others offer a tad of protection, but nothing as significant as the voltage regulation - which is the serious thing to have if you're a heavy gigging guy in strange places like boats, directly next to lightning rods, and in a nuclear power plant.

That said, I have a "Merit" power conditioner from Furman - one of the super-cheap, glorified power-strip varieties around $30. Is there *any* value in moving up to the PL-8 C or something like that - which supposedly has the whole surge/noise/filtration stuff going on? FurmanSound.com - Pro A/V Product - PL-8 C Or am I basically getting what I already have in my super-cheapie, just for $150 more?
I'd trust the Furman PL line to handle a surge better than the Merit series. It's hard to say, though. You're asking the $150 question.
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