Power amp for modeler

Hi @Bertotti, Im not looking for stereo. I just want to try something with tubes to see if I lifts the feeling / interaction between poweramp and speakers to another level, like in a real guitar amp with tubes. The SD Powerstage 170 delivers raw power and sometimes this is what we need with modelers.
Are you happy with your Fryette PS100? Do you keep the poweramp modeling ON in the Fractal? What guitar cab do you use live?

Thanks 😊
Honestly I haven’t used the PS100 with the axe yet always just traveling with headphones. I love the PS100 because impedance matching and the ability to tme my xxx half stack rather by using its inboard gain and volumes and I can power up my little amps like the Winfield typhoon and dust devil and Nocturne baby blondeshell. I tend to run everything into a low power 2x12 and the axe will be going through it also. It is 30wAtts with a Weber silver bell and blue dog. I have another in the works with an Alnico silver bell and Alnico grey wolf. I can’t wait for things to slow down and try the axe with it!
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It seems that the Orange Pedal Baby with Class A/B has a great response with Fractal units
Some say that the Orange Crush 100 watt gives the same results. Is that true anyone? I’m running a Mesa Boogie 4x12 Rectifier Cab.
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