Poll: Have you received the email?

Got Email?

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Since the other recent topic is getting cluttered, I'd like to see if/when anyone on the waiting list has received an email notification. Re-voting is enabled, see how many "no's" stack up before we see a "yes." Be sure and change your vote when you get the email, and also post at that time when you got on the list.

I really don't think this poll is worth much, except to say how many people are on the list.

and I think the 2 who say they did get the email aren't telling the truth. :D
gittarzann said:
I really don't think this poll is worth much, except to say how many people are on the list.

and I think the 2 who say they did get the email aren't telling the truth. :D

I agree with both points, you should be able to change your vote after you FINALLY do receive "the E-mail" .... :idea:
I think the point is for people who have voted already to come back and change their vote once they receive the email. It should get an indication about when things really start rolling and percentage wise how far along the waiting list processing has come.
Looks like 3 people have already - and I still haven't received my MFC, even though I was one of the infamous 5 :x :lol:
I'm one of the "five" too (not actually the 5, but ordered that same night), but haven't got mine yet... it will arrive here the same day I'm starting a week-long vacation :(
gittarzann said:
I really don't think this poll is worth much, except to say how many people are on the list.

and I think the 2 who say they did get the email aren't telling the truth. :D

Maybe it ain't worth much, but I'm just trying to get a clue as to when these start shipping. My bastardized controller is flaking out and I really need something soon.
Pointless thread. Unless its just me, the information as to when this unit will start shipping to the masses is already out there. Before ANY units had gone out - it was a guessing game, but Im pretty sure it was said (back at the End Jul ish), that the first "trial" units had arrived (at Fractal) and the first full shipment would arrive 3-4 weeks later.

Now, it took a couple of weeks for Fractal to ship the first "few" (well Im guessing as that was the gap between the first ones arriving at Fractal and the first "there great" threads). From that Id say the first ones to the multitude will be 3-4 weeeks after Scot got his. What would that be? another 2 weeks or so?

For thoses in the Eu (after speaking to Suzzi) were around 1-2 weeks behind the US (g66 received their first trial batch a couple of weeks after they landed in the US). That said Sussi also seemed to think most if not all the "waiting list" would be cleared on that first full shipment - and definately by the second - which she said would be 60 days or so after the first trail shipment.

By putting all this information together (from various sources, and posts) id say most people on the list should get the call in the next 3 weeks or so - with the remaioning of thoses on the list getting the call before the end of October. I really dont see the point os seeing when people DO start to get units (appart from the first one from the first propper batch maybe) as noone knows where they are on the list, how many are on the list in total, how many units will be on each shipment, and how many people will decline the offer when they get ther call (lack of finances? have another solution etc).
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