Poked a bit at some Marshalls tonight

Joe Bfstplk

Threw together a couple Marshall presets tonight - one featuring the Plexi 6CA7, and the other the Plexi 1970, both through York's excellent 4x12 G12M20 cab. Two different flavors, but both great for clean-ish to moderate dirt, with the 1970 having the better clean and the 6CA7 the more aggressive dirt. Stuff a TS808 in its face and either gets pretty gnarly....

Plex6CA7/Plex6CA7 T3C [9]3.syx
Plexi70/Plexi70 T3C [9]3.syx
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The factory preset brit AFS100 is really cool with the marshalls. I basically combined that preset with the TX Star preset for clean and a clean drive and then marshall crunch with Marshall lead
I like the jumped 1987 for the heavier stuff.

Me too; for a long while now the Jumped 1987x has been my favorite Marshall variant in the box.

I've been dialing in a punchy, bluesy, single coil tone with the JTM45 lately that I've been digging; it is a super bassy/woofy amp and it's hard to get all of that under control but I seem to getting it under my thumb.
I’ve also been on the Marshall train lately. Ever since I got my Strat I can’t stop dialing in tones that highlight Strat tones. I dicked around with some Fenders and the Two Rocks last night, but man, the Plexi’s, JTM45…I’m not sure what the Superlead is called in Fractal land, but that’s the one that I’m on the most.
Me too; for a long while now the Jumped 1987x has been my favorite Marshall variant in the box.

I've been dialing in a punchy, bluesy, single coil tone with the JTM45 lately that I've been digging; it is a super bassy/woofy amp and it's hard to get all of that under control but I seem to getting it under my thumb.
Same, i use it for early Hendrix stuff, i end up cutting lots of bass and low mids with the 8band amp eq.
The JTM45 also sounds really nice with a Plexi tonestack!!
I do several different genres with just a Marshall preset. No tap dancing here (other than kicking
on a Drive Block or Delay Block very seldom). I been rolling with an JCM800, but have also used
the 100W Plexi and 50W Plexi.

The best thing about the Marshalls is they cut in the mix in all the right ways.

I made a cool thread about the Marshalls in the Fractalverse a while back because they impressed
me so much as a long time Marshall amp owner/user.

I've been using the 6CA7 a lot lately. Between guitar volume (and/or volume pedal) changes, drive block choices, and input trim changes on scene controllers, that amp can go from clean to bluesy to nasty.

Input trim on scene controllers. I haven’t used those yet. I’m guessing this works similar to dialing back the guitar volume. Great idea and it’s now on my things to try list.
I will have to try that out...thanks for the info!
For sure, needs some bass cuts though.
Also, if you like, try the Plexi 100w Treble with No bright cap, more negative feedback around 8+ and KT66 Powertubes, gets me a great Plexi Super Bass tone i find, awesome with a strat, needs bass/low mid cuts though too.
Edit: Plexi tonestack is a nice fatter tone and Plexi 100 tonestack even more so :)
ive been building a new live preset for some cover band fill in gigs and i cant make up my mind between the Big hair amp model and the 6CA7. the 800 #34 and 100W jumped plexis are very close behind
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