Plexi 2204 - Cameron / Suhr Aldrich mod settings?


Hi all,

Now that we've got a model of the JMP MV amp, I'm really interested in trying to emulate Doug Aldrich's tone with his Cameron and Suhr modded JMP amps. I love playing around with the amp details, but it's a complete rabbit hole.

The schematics and details of the mods are pretty scarce on the internet (understandably), but I wondered if the Gods of the Fractal Forums would have any insights into what settings to tweak within the amp parameters?

Thanks in advance all.
Just found these details - although not sure how you emulate it within the amp params...:

".022 eq's / 33k slope / 560pf 3000v ceramic.

although , i have seen .022 / 39k / 470pf silver mica in some of the newer reissues he did maybe to tame some highs..."
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