Please critique this one song Vertigo... I'm really having trouble with settings and noises.

Sounds good to me. Do you plan to put it into context of a backing track ? Would be interesting to hear that too.

I practice with BT's but I don't record with them because for legal reasons I can't make money performing with them.

So to avoid giving the producers I will gig for a performance I wouldn't be able to replicate in the concert venue, I avoid using backing tracks.

I could use them to make the track sound better but it would be a huge decrease in value when they heard me play live at their venue without them, and then they'd be left disappointed in their investment in me.

I say promise less, deliver more.
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I practice with BT's but I don't record with them because for legal reasons I can't make money performing with them.

So to avoid giving the producers I will gig for a performance I wouldn't be able to replicate in the concert venue, I avoid using backing tracks.

I could use them to make the track sound better but it would be a huge decrease in value when they heard may play live at their venue without them, and then they'd be left disappointed in their investment in me.
Is the video an example of how you’d perform at the gigs you’ve been thinking about? If so not too much gear needed.
Is the video an example of how you’d perform at the gigs you’ve been thinking about? If so not too much gear needed.

Yep. The only additional gear would be my frfr elis 8's, as a backline. I'm not used to the distractions of live performance compared to studio. Perhaps a pair of IEM would help too? How else to block out extraneous noises?
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