Plastic Mind Frequencies FULL ALBUM STREAM (progressive metal)[axefx II all over]

Good. Spotify and iTunes are a sacrifice of royalties for minimal exposure. At least with Bandcamp you get more money, and you're not tied into the 256kbps mp3 bitrate of iTunes.

By the way, I listen to the album every day and it continues to impress. The quality of the writing is only apparent after a couple of listens.

The sad thing is that even if I purchase this album, I would have no way to synchronize my playlists on all my devices. So I won't buy it until there's a good way to do that.
Otherwise I would've purchased this album immediately but if I won't be able to listen to it everywhere, what's the point? :/
Really impressive work ! Congrats !
What about some tips on getting to this high level of production ? :)

thanks a lot man! there's really no shortcuts or magic tricks, just hours and hours of tweaking haha of course you wanna have a solid foundation, and what I mean by that is the raw sounds you're starting with, especially drums. they're the most crucial thing in a mix, god knows how many times I've heard great guitar tones paired with awful drum sounds, that completely ruins the whole song. so yeah I usually start from the drums, until I'm happy with how they sound (good thing about superior drummer is that you can change every parameter/sound "on the go")..then it's usually guitars and finally bass..the main reason is because I just want the bass to fill the gap between drums and guitars..I eventually mix the drums and bass on their own, w/out guitars just to make sure the kick is not killing the low end coming from the bass and the latter is not burying the punch of the kick..on guitars I usually put just a low and hi pass filter, nothing more than that..on the mastering stage I'm using the standard limiter/comp/eqs…nothing special, it's just a lot of work by ear really…the one book I can suggest you, if you're into metal and rock, is Ermin's Systematic Production guide…really well written and to the point!
Rocco we need a patch posted for that lead tone or a more in depth look into it ;) I tried some of the settings you mentioned & didn't get near the lush sound you had going on! Common bud, share ;)
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