Pitch Slap

My friend recently got a line 6 hd500 pedal and was demoing it and there was a patch he came across called pitch slap that sounded really cool. It basically just played back a semitone up following the first note struck, like a double picking chromatic effect. I tried to replicate this using the pitch block in the axe fx with intel harmony but not sure it's the right setting. I couldn't get the effect to just simply play one note above what I was playing without it sounding like it had a detuned chorus following it. The other issue is the note that played after the initial note always sounded quieter and I couldn't get it to match my pick attack and just play a clear semitone note up at the same level. Any tips for a newbie?
Add a delay block, followed by a pitch block, in parallel after your amp/cab. Set mix to 100% and level to match your dry tone. In the pitch block, select fixed harmony, voice 1 shift to +2ct, I believe. I am on my phone right now, but will check into more when I get home.
Try placing a delay in a parallel row then putting a pitch block in the same row so that it only affects the delay repeat(s). Set the delay up to provide a slapback sound. That should get you in the ballpark.
Pitch block has delay that will work for this instead of a delay block. Shift amount should be 1 (semitone), make sure to set voice 2 level to minimum as well.

Series routing can be used instead if you want. You might find 50% mix, +6 dB level is a good starting point then.
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Pitch block has delay that will work for this instead of a delay block. Shift amount should be 1 (semitone), make sure to set voice 2 level to minimum as well.

Series routing can be used instead if you want. You might find 50% mix, +6 dB level is a good starting point then.

^That and fixed harmony type worked like a charm, the only thing I can't figure out now is how to get the 1st note played to cut out and stop ringing with the semitone that plays after it when I hold the note, is that possible?
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