PigWeed - The Crusher


Fractal Fanatic
Yesterday I was supposed to work on one of our 4 song demo songs by re-recording them... well, I didn't and I wanted to come up with a new tune and I came up with this one... It's called, The Crusher... For this one I used two of Jocke's Mesa IR's and together they rocked hard!!! Thanks Jocke!!!! Even though you never share your patches, I'm glad you share your IR's!!!! :D This one a slightly modified version of my "Ascending" patch disabled the multi band compressor and if I remember correctly the EQ, hope you guys like it! Let me know what you think...

PigWeed - The Crusher (on Soundclick)

PigWeed - The Crusher (High Quality MP3)


  • Mo - The Crusher.zip
    9.6 KB · Views: 80
Sounds more organic than your other stuff Mo. Nice work. Cool tune as well. I know you've said a million times, but what are using for the drums? Sounds totally awesome.
SUP? :mrgreen:

Sounds really cool MO,,, Thanks for sharing the patch also. ;)

and organic is a good term too,, sounded real natural. are you using the same patch for all the parts? Like, are you just rolling back the vol after the driving intro, or are you turning something on and off?

awesome as usual, crushing tone. love the bit that starts around 1:40. Clear, tight palm mutes that, as everyone has already said, sound "organic". I prefer the term 'woody' :) It's what I always look for in a tone.
sound HUGE man! Crusher is a very fitting title coz this is absolutely crusing. reminds me of Dino Cazares style a bit. awesome dude!
Wow!!! Thanks fellas...

Juliancs: Thanks for the props... I use SSD.

Moshon D: What's up D!!!! Yeah it's the exact same patch for all the guitar tracks which ended up being about 8 tracks for mains and melodies... only thing I did was cut the low end in Sonar for the guitars... I might have crank a bit of the highs but if I remember correctly I only cut the lows. Post processing was BBE (now Cakewalk) Sonic Maximizer. I always do all my delays in Sonar so that way they line up perfectly with the song's bpm. I actually forgot to add a bit of reverb to the guitar track... oh well... :D

D.Mosh: Another mosher!!!! Awesome!!! At our last gig we actually had some kids moshing... man I hadn't seen that in such a long time, it's great that it's coming back! I know exactly what you mean by "woody" guitar tones... ;) Moshing!!!!!


MisterE: E!!! Thanks for getting my back earlier... :D I use a Schecter Omen guitar with a BareKnuckle Cold Sweat in the bridge and a Seymour Duncun in the neck... the melody during the "verses" is where I mainly used the SD. The wood is basswood... not the best but... I already bought an Ibanez with mahogany that I'm dying to get the cash to buy some BK for! Sucky part is that that it's $350 for a pair of Pain Killers (It's what Tim from BK recommended) and then to have installed and setup with coil spitting (I may never use it but it's nice to have, I also have it on my Schecter) at about $130 for the work. That's almost $500 bones!!!!

Unscarred: Thanks for listening... Dino rocks!!! Hahahaha, what's he been up to since FF?
You've really out-done yourself here Mo! That's a great tone! I love the squishy mid-range honk. That's my #1 think about br00talz tone. It's gotta have that squishy honk sound. I can't quite it right on my patches.
Mo, a great tune and a crushing sound you have here! I actually like all parts of it.
For real moshing, it's maybe a tiny bit too fast or "some heads are gonna roll" by accident :twisted: . Very br00tal but still very musical and rhythmic and I would immediately recognize this song (which is usually not the case in modern metal). The patch is one for the Hall Of Fame, as most of your patches are.
Mo i thought the tune was great! Great guitar tone!

Makes me want to experiment more with other IRs than just the stock ones, which i love.
Disclaimer: I'm not a br00talz guy at all, and I can't shred a lick, so listening to people play repetitive stuff really fast does nothing for me except invoke the response "Wow, that's really fast".

So, when the song started I immediately thought "uggh, here we go again...", but then the melodic stuff kicked in, and I really enjoyed it. Kudos!
Sidivan: Wow... that's a great compliment thanks Sidivan... hope you'll start uses the patch and post some clips!

RiF: Damn... another wonderful compliment... thanks RiF, I'm glad you guys are liking the tone... I can never really tell how the "tone" is coming out because of my Sony Headphones... I'm hoping to buy me some High End Muffs in a couple of months.

D20: The only "stock" cab that ever did it for me was the infamous "V30" IR. I need to experiment with stock cabs more myself... I'm sure by kicking up the high end I can get it sounding how I want... Thanks D!

Steverosburg: I'm right with ya Steve, I too cannot shred worth a shit... I wish I could!!!! But I can't... The heavy riff is just to kick you in the nads to get you started... I agree on not being keen on entire songs being "balls out"... I love to hear melodies along with heaviness, something to pull me into a song and them beat the shit out of me with a Gonad Heavy Riffage!!! Thanks for listening!

Funny thing is that I went to lunch with our drummer a little bit ago and I was all excited to hear whether or not he had taken a listen to the new track and he said... "No, not yet..." :lol: :lol: :lol: Damn bandmembers!!! Maybe we should start a Fractal Metal Online Band!!!!
Damn that does sound really good Mo. The guitars (and bass) have a bit of a Korn vibe to my ears but I love Korn so I'm down with that. :D I'm going to try your patch when I get a chance and see how it does for me. Thank you for sharing!
Hey man. This is my first post here, but I've been lurking for quite awhile. Seen some familiar names from other places, too.. Anyways, just wanted to say that was bad a$$ man, I really dig that, as well as most of the other stuff you have posted up on here. I'd love to own an Axe-FX, but I dont have that much cash to dish out at once. Well, once again, great tune man.

P.S. Dino Cazares now has a band called Divine Heresy. IF you haven't heard them, check em out. Dino's ripping up the 8 string!!
that's a really nice tune dude!
the only negative thing that could be mentioned is the extreme clipping, hurts my ears! :lol:

if you send me a full quality wav mix i could try to remaster it!:)

mortega76 said:
I can never really tell how the "tone" is coming out because of my Sony Headphones... I'm hoping to buy me some High End Muffs in a couple of months.
I can highly recommend Audio Technica's D40fs or M50. They translate very very well.
mortega76 said:
Funny thing is that I went to lunch with our drummer a little bit ago and I was all excited to hear whether or not he had taken a listen to the new track and he said... "No, not yet..." :lol: :lol: :lol: Damn bandmembers!!!
Sounds familiar to me...

mortega76 said:
Maybe we should start a Fractal Metal Online Band!!!!
Count me in!
RingLeader: No problem... post your clips with the patch!

Insidian: Thanks for chiming in Insidian! Save some cash, sell some stuff and get yourself an Axe-fx! I sold my Vetta II HD, Case, FBV Longboard, ESP Viper 400 and a Line 6 Variax 500 to get close to paying for my Ultra... still needed about $400 bucks, then I had to get a controller $160 (FCB1010 w/Uno), Power Amp QSC GX5 for $400, Furman Power Conditioner $100 and a case to house the whole shebang... I had a 6U but it was heavy as fuck... I ended up buying a 4U and took out the Furman and just carry it with me. Works out great! Still heavy as fuck though.... :lol:

Soultrash: Thanks for listening... I'll upload the Wave file and PM you... it's about 54MB.

RiF: I narrowed it down to two headphones... the Audio Technica M50 or the Beyerdynamic DT 770 Pro-80... everything I read says its a toss up between the two... But some folks seem to prefer the Beyerdynamic DT 770 Pro-80 so I wanted to go with those... either way I know they will be a ton better than my Sony $100 headphones I bought 4 years ago! :D

Online Band... lets try something... how do we do this?
mortega76 said:
RiF: I narrowed it down to two headphones... the Audio Technica M50 or the Beyerdynamic DT 770 Pro-80... everything I read says its a toss up between the two... But some folks seem to prefer the Beyerdynamic DT 770 Pro-80 so I wanted to go with those...
Those Beyer Dynamics get rave reviews all over, but I thought they were far more expensive (maybe I mixed them up with the DT 880's). Good choice!

mortega76 said:
Online Band... lets try something... how do we do this?
I am doing a collaboration with unscarred from this forum and with some other people over at the Digidesign DUC forum.
The problem here might be that we all seem to be guitarists...

Basically, somebody starts with anything (a riff, a whole song, drums, whatever) you exchange audio files using one of these dropmegagigaputyourfileshereandidontcareiftheyarewarez.com sites back and forth until you have a song. Unless all have the same DAW-software (usually they don't), you need to take care that all audio files are cut at bar-0 of the song, so they can be easily imported. Things get out of control very quick, if you end up having 100's of files on different file sharing sites and you have no idea which are the most recent ones...
Soultrash said:
that's a really nice tune dude!
the only negative thing that could be mentioned is the extreme clipping, hurts my ears! :lol:

if you send me a full quality wav mix i could try to remaster it!:)


The tune rocks, and you have a perfect tone for what you are doing, but the clipping is really bad. There are lots of square waveforms, and huge gaps in waves.

Compression is a useful tool, but only in moderation, and I think you went overboard here. Try using a less harsh compression ratio to let some of the dynamics shine through, and don't use a hard limiter either.
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