Wish Phase correlation metering in the editors.

I figure squeezing it into the AxeFx III proper is not really feasible nor necessarily desired, but I certainly would like to see a correlation meter in the editors!

That, or the ability to add analysis plugins to the editor perhaps? I've other ways of getting to a correlation meter, so it's really a matter of convenience and keeping focus on playing. As always, thanks for considering the ideas. Hopefully "virtual test probes" are not beyond the scope of the editors' mission. Best, Daniel
Please enlighten me... No idea what you're asking for.

Sure. Traditional correlation meter is either a straight line or VU meter like display that shows phase coherence of signal pairs. If the meter goes all the way right, the signals are in phase. All the way left, and well, completely out of phase and bye bye mono compatibility.

These days we’re usually talking about a fountain, vector-scope, and/or goniometer. Dan Worrall explains here…

Traditional correlation meter near bottom, goniometer above. As illustrated here, they typically appear together. Different views on same consideration.
WELL, that makes sense given the way other popular hardware meters work.

I would like to see something added to the RTA block then at some point. Thanks.
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