Petruccish tones 6.0 YT Video

Are we talking about the same John Petrucci? He's a total gain whore. :D

Sorry, but this is just completely false. If you listen to isolated stem tracks of Dream Theater songs, many of his lead tones and rhythm tones are very, very low in gain as far as metal goes.
Sorry, but this is just completely false. If you listen to isolated stem tracks of Dream Theater songs, many of his lead tones and rhythm tones are very, very low in gain as far as metal goes.

Well I've listened to the OTBOA stem tracks and it sounds like Petrucci is using as much gain or more than what Alexcronex is using in his video. On the old stuff there is not as much gain, more recent Petrucci is a different story, especially live (watch his Mark V tone tips part 2 demo on YouTube, when he's playing the "Pull Me Under" riffs, he has the gain on 10). I've been a member of the John Petrucci forum for the past 10 years and how much more gain he uses now days than what he used to is a fairly common complaint on there.
Well I've listened to the OTBOA stem tracks and it sounds like Petrucci is using as much gain or more than what Alexcronex is using in his video. On the old stuff there is not as much gain, more recent Petrucci is a different story, especially live (watch his Mark V tone tips part 2 demo on YouTube, when he's playing the "Pull Me Under" riffs, he has the gain on 10). I've been a member of the John Petrucci forum for the past 10 years and how much more gain he uses now days than what he used to is a fairly common complaint on there.

No I hear you. He plays with a lot of gain. He's a metal guitarist. But on the latest album, he didn't even use a drive pedal in front of the amp. Can you really call him a gain whore? There are much bigger "whores" out there that run their their Boogies dimed and then throw on a Metal Zone for good measure. JP's tone is not just straightforward gain. It's not "teeth" as Matt said. The magic of his tone is that it sounds gainy but isn't all that much. It's "girth" that appears to be gain.

Listen to the solo on Lost Not Forgotten and tell me he's a "gain whore." There's a lot less gain on his tone than you'd expect there to be.

Live though, yes. A lot of gain.
The first rhythm sound is awesome. It's the best high gain tone I've heard on here, to my ears, anyway. Thanks so much for sharing the patches.
I don't get it, how come my tone sounds nothing like his when I upload his lead preset? I used his IR like he said. I'm so lost, can someone please help me?
I don't get it, how come my tone sounds nothing like his when I upload his lead preset? I used his IR like he said. I'm so lost, can someone please help me?

I have that problem too. This Petrucci lead tone sounds very hollow on my system, like playing in a giant can...
Sometimes preset I download and try seems corrupted, but other people trying it have no problem, so I guess it's a very random thing happening.
I have that problem too. This Petrucci lead tone sounds very hollow on my system, like playing in a giant can...
Sometimes preset I download and try seems corrupted, but other people trying it have no problem, so I guess it's a very random thing happening.

Yeah, like when I have the preset, I get very little sustain or gain, so that I can't even play lead properly, and the tone is just way off base from hearing from these videos. Maybe I'm not uploading the IR correctly, or something's wrong with my Axe Fx II or my Samson monitors? Can someone please tell me some simple step-by-steps to get these presets to correctly work in layman's terms? I know this is totally noob, but please help me out, i'm a huge Petrucci fan and I love progressive metal, and my tones are garbage compared to all you guys. I would appreciate it immensely! Thank you..
I don't get it, how come my tone sounds nothing like his when I upload his lead preset? I used his IR like he said. I'm so lost, can someone please help me?

Yeah, like when I have the preset, I get very little sustain or gain, so that I can't even play lead properly, and the tone is just way off base from hearing from these videos. Maybe I'm not uploading the IR correctly, or something's wrong with my Axe Fx II or my Samson monitors? Can someone please tell me some simple step-by-steps to get these presets to correctly work in layman's terms? I know this is totally noob, but please help me out, i'm a huge Petrucci fan and I love progressive metal, and my tones are garbage compared to all you guys. I would appreciate it immensely! Thank you..

Open up the crunch preset- click Layout - scroll to TMA block - click Edit - scroll with page button to Export - choose a user cab to save - click enter - open up the lead preset and load the user cab that you saved before into the cab block. done!
Open up the crunch preset- click Layout - scroll to TMA block - click Edit - scroll with page button to Export - choose a user cab to save - click enter - open up the lead preset and load the user cab that you saved before into the cab block. done!

Thanks, and by crunch preset, you mean the OTBOA Rhythm? I saved the TMA block to a user cab, but i do not know how to load it into the cab block. When i try to load a USER CAB, they are all greyed out and i can't select them. Can you please explain this part more in depth? Sorry for the idiocy. Thank you.
Thanks, and by crunch preset, you mean the OTBOA Rhythm? I saved the TMA block to a user cab, but i do not know how to load it into the cab block. When i try to load a USER CAB, they are all greyed out and i can't select them. Can you please explain this part more in depth? Sorry for the idiocy. Thank you.

Ok, i think i managed to load the user cab. (I was using Axe Edit the whole time, so i didn't know how to do it through that, but by using the actual Axe to do the editing, I believe i loaded the cab from the OTBOA Rhyhtm preset. That being said, I don't think the tone I have now can compare to yours on the video. I have been playing guitar for many years and can actually play, so I don't believe it's my skill level preventing me from achieving this tone. There's a lack of gain, tone, and Petrucci-ness even though I copied everything. There's no way i can solo using this tone. I'm using Samson monitors (only about $115), an Ibanez RG 7620 with stock pickups. Any ideas as to what the problem is? Thanks for everything.
Ok, i think i managed to load the user cab. (I was using Axe Edit the whole time, so i didn't know how to do it through that, but by using the actual Axe to do the editing, I believe i loaded the cab from the OTBOA Rhyhtm preset. That being said, I don't think the tone I have now can compare to yours on the video. I have been playing guitar for many years and can actually play, so I don't believe it's my skill level preventing me from achieving this tone. There's a lack of gain, tone, and Petrucci-ness even though I copied everything. There's no way i can solo using this tone. I'm using Samson monitors (only about $115), an Ibanez RG 7620 with stock pickups. Any ideas as to what the problem is? Thanks for everything.

So excluding your monitors, it could be the pickups in your Ibanez. I have an Ibanez RG 7620, but with DiMarzio Blaze II and AirNorton7 pickups and i have alot of gain with this preset.
Tried the crunch and lead patches and it sounds perfect. Is the crunch patch truly the patch he uses on most of the albums. Through my PRS CU24 w/ BKP Cold Sweat in the bridge, it sounded like it was not the same rhythm sound he uses on most songs. At the same time, it sounded like the kind of JP tone that he uses on rhythm parts with less gain.

The lead is spot on.
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