performaxe - anyone using these?

This is going to sound odd, but I had a massage therapist who — as it turns out — specializes in guitar-related pain problems recently work on my back. She isolated some pain in my left shoulder and it took her two seconds to find it once I said I played a lot sitting down in my studio.

She said one of these or a tall foot stool that gets the guitar higher up is basically mandatory for sitting. Otherwise, one’s body hunches while playing. Enough time doing that can lead to lots of other issues. Lifting the guitar up is like optimizing your desk height so your elbows are straight, according to her.

She also added to wear a strap while sitting so you can easily stand and move around, because sitting is still awful.

So I’m on the wait list. I don’t have a lot of floor space by my desk for the foot rest, so I think the Performaxe is a better fit for me. Would love to read some longer-term reviews by some of you, though.
Since I got mine I don't play without it now ...unless I'm standing which isn't often. It makes playing while sitting so much more comfortable.
@Chewie5150 do you find it has reduced any hunching you might have done before? Most of the shoulder pain I experience comes from curling forward over the instrument with my left shoulder.
@Chewie5150 do you find it has reduced any hunching you might have done before? Most of the shoulder pain I experience comes from curling forward over the instrument with my left shoulder.
Yeah I hear ya about the curling forward/crouching. I still lean a bit but no where as exaggerated as before. Its a significant improvement with ergonomics and my posture. Also, depending on which knee you like to rest the guitar on....with it on my right leg it sits overall higher and easier to play vs the left.
I started using a Dynarette cushion and later the Performaxe after having lessons from a spesialist in posture and movement for musicians.
I used to have a lot of issues with pain in my hands that came from incorrect posture.

I found that when i started using the correct posture when sitting, my guitar felt way to low without some sort of support.

Most specialists on posture have started recommending using a guitar support instead of a foot stool now a days, since having one foot higher than the other can lead to back issues for some musicians. It's much better having both legs firmly on the ground.

I work as both a musician and a guitar teacher and usually play for 8 hours a day sitting down. Both my back, shoulders and arms feel a lot better since i started using a guitar support.
Reading this thread jogged my memory that I actually ordered a Performaxe back in '22, but never really used it :D Just dug it up and started using it and I have to say it definitely keeps my posture in the correct position while sitting on my guitar stool. It also makes it easier to play the guitar...
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