Patches change by itself issue


New Member
Had an issue with my presets changing without me doing the changing part.
It happened during a soundcheck before a gig i did yesterday.
I was playing on my rytm patch #004 and then it just changed to a lo gain lead #003. It happened 2 times.

Thankfully it didn't happen during the gig but I've had issues with this problem at home since i updated to FW10 and updated the MFC.

I was connected with a quality locking cat5 cable on mark 2 hardware. Axe-Fx FM 10.5, MFC FM 2.17.

Other than that: FRACTAL & FW 10 Rocks! And a special thanks to Cliff, since i bought the AXE FX at least one guitarist in the crowd comes to me after a gig and asks me about my tone and how i can manage all the different sounds (Synth, pitch, harmony, etc).

Owned it for 6 months and I'm never looking back.
Was the data wheel/dial on the front of the AFX stuck between the two presets? They don't always change cleanly and can cause some glitches.
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