Ownhammer M75 GNR - My number 1 IR ! With Sounds ;)

threw this together using the GNR75 evo pack. 57 capedge and the 121. I left it raw at the beginning but it blends right in when the full mix comes along.

edit: because I can't leave anything alone, I added the Firemaster in the chain and added some depth to the beginning guitar.
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thanks Anand. I'm never really happy with mixing. I end up making mix after mix (more lows/more highs/more cymbals/less cymbals) then I just give up. The guitars are usually the easiest part for me thanks to OH.
I understand man, I also s*ck at mixing….. lucky I work with already mixed drum loops so need only to work on the bass sound as the guitars also sit very nice in the mix with the right IRs….. enjoy !
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