Output 2 vs output 1 noise level

I'm using the axe-fx with my Xtc by the way of the 4cm. I've been fighting noise issues like many others. From trying different configurations of the 4cm (effects front end only, effects loop only) by unplugging some of the cables and turning off the gates in the patch. I have found that output 2 is alot noisier than output 1 with everything being equal.

This is what I did to test it, I built a patch with nothing but pedals, no gates were used. In the I/O audio i set the copy out1 to out2 on and plugged the outputs one at a time into the input of my amp. The difference was significant. Output 2 has much more noise compared to output1.

I don't believe I have a ground loop cause I can get rid the of noise by using a gate. A gound loop wouldn't go away by using a gate. The problem I have with using a gate is that as the notes fade out the noise will appear and stay until the note has stops ringing. Or if I pick softly you can hear the noise along with the note. I have raised the boost/pad on output 2 that has helped with the noise but I cannot turn it up to a full 15db, 9db is the max after that I start to lose signal.

I thought the D/A converters were the same for output 1 and 2? I know there are those humbuster cables, how they are susposed to lower the noise floor level and I will make some very soon to try out. But, why does output 2 have a much higher noise floor than 1? Will making some humbuster cables get rid of the noise? Does anyone else have this issue? Or do I have a prob with that D/A converter?

Thanks for reading
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