Out 1 [Main] Level and Other Output Settings


New Member
Just wondering what the recommended level settings are across the chain from guitar to FRFR. The biggest concern I have is that currently my Out 1 [Main] Level is at noon (effectively 50%), is that the recommended setting? Is that 50% setting attentuating the signal, therefore affecting tone, or does it not matter? Given there are such a large number of levels available to modify in the chain, what should always be kept at 100% and what should be used to adjust levels without affecting the tone (with no benefit i.e. Not input volume (gain) or master volume (bass)). Is this where the VU meter comes in? Thanks!

Guitar Volume: 100%
Amp Block Input Drive: Variable (Gain)
Amp Block Master Volume: Variable (Bass, etc.)
Out 1 [Main]: ???
FRFR: Variable (Shouldn't Impact Tone)
Just wondering what the recommended level settings are across the chain from guitar to FRFR. The biggest concern I have is that currently my Out 1 [Main] Level is at noon (effectively 50%), is that the recommended setting? Is that 50% setting attentuating the signal, therefore affecting tone, or does it not matter? Given there are such a large number of levels available to modify in the chain, what should always be kept at 100% and what should be used to adjust levels without affecting the tone (with no benefit i.e. Not input volume (gain) or master volume (bass)). Is this where the VU meter comes in? Thanks!

Guitar Volume: 100%
Amp Block Input Drive: Variable (Gain)
Amp Block Master Volume: Variable (Bass, etc.)
Out 1 [Main]: ???
FRFR: Variable (Shouldn't Impact Tone)
I'm not sure why you are saying "(bass)" when you say "master volume"?

You should use the Amp block "Level" to control the volume without altering the tone of the amp.
I have been wondering about the Out 1 level myself. My AX8 output is much hotter than it was on my Axe FX II Mk1. The rule of thumb for the Axe II was output level at 100%. Are we saying the recommended output level for the AX8 is 25-50%?
I would like to know this too. There seems to be various opinions from running at 12 o'clock or less to running at 100%. Has there been any official word as to what is optimum as far as maximizing tone is concerned?
Guess it would depend on what your going into. For instance when I play live and going direct to FOH I keep Out 1 about 9 o'clock so as not to send the board to hot of a signal and freak out the sound guy. Out 2 goes to my 2 XiTone's on stage behind me and I crank those up nearly all the way and use Out 2 to control my stage volume.
Instead of starting a new thread, I'm just going to bump this one. Right now I'm running my AX8 output at about 10:00.

I'd like to know how everyone else is running theirs and what your opinions are.

I'm running mine direct to FOH and I'm using IEMs.
Got mine about 10 o clock running into single Yamaha HS8 at three quarter volume. Sounds better this way than with the AX8 cranked and the speaker low volume. I was wondering this myself today. Good thread.
I find 12 o'clock to be a tad high - I have had sound guys (2 or 3) say the sig is too hot at that setting. So now I am aiming for around 10 AM. When I dial in my tones, instead of cranking it above 10 o'clock on Out 1 to get to stage volume, I am turning up my 15" powered speaker in my room and leaving the AX8 at 10 o'clock. Trying my best to simulate an actual stage environment and what the sound man will see and hear. Whatever you do in your bedroom do on stage - for me that is 10 o'clock or thereabouts.
Guess it would depend on what your going into. For instance when I play live and going direct to FOH I keep Out 1 about 9 o'clock so as not to send the board to hot of a signal and freak out the sound guy. Out 2 goes to my 2 XiTone's on stage behind me and I crank those up nearly all the way and use Out 2 to control my stage volume.
What do you have to do special to have the cab IRs come out of OUT 2?
In the Global I/O settings set Output 2 to
Echo Output 1.

Alternately, you can add an FXLoop block in the preset. Output from that block goes to Output 2.

Also, turn up Output 2 knob on the front panel.
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