Ordered Today/Firmware Question

jeff fox

At long last I have taken the plunge.Excited beyond belief....My apologies if this is already answered elsewhere, but I was wondering if units shipping today(no coupon) already have latest firmware installed?Thanks
Yes. In the Utility menu Firmware tab. Ie. Utility>Page Right 5 times

You can download the manual from the support page and start reading now and give yourself a head start while waiting for it to ship. :)
yes.. you can check version on the utilities screen and use the page button to get to the screen
Yeah... took me quite a while to build up the courage to spend that kind of $$ on an "effects box".. given what I'd experienced with many other modelers and the "tweak syndrome". That was with the Ultra. The Axe-II makes it much easier to dial in tones, and one never [really] needs to go into the advanced amp parms until one is quite knowledgeable in that area.

Welcome aboard, and feel free to ask questions.. but please read the manual and the wiki - both excellent sources of information.
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