Optimizing Live tone from Axe Fx ?


Hi guys,

I got my Axe Fx Ultra 2 days ago and I'm more than satisfied with it! Sorry I'm very consent about the tone that I produce live. And need some advices from the pro. Right now my set up is kind of inappropriate in terms of the audio interface.

This is my signal chain.

Guitar > Korg DTR-1000 > Axe-Fx Ultra(left input from behind) > Line 6 UX1 > laptop

Question 1 :
So I will be using a budget Shure SRH240 headphones to hear the Axe-Fx. But in order to have sound coming out from the UX1, I will have to on the Pod Farm but I did not load anything on the Pod farm. Right now it sounds alright for me but I'm afraid that the Pod Farm will have extra processing on the tone as well. Btw, recordings sound alright as well.

Will it affect the tone and what's your best solution for this?

Question 2 :
What will be best way to optimize the Axe Fx tone for live purposes? Most probably going direct to PA all the time.

*Please keep in mind my budget is low (less than $400?) after buying the Axe-fx Ultra :lol:

Thanks in advance. ;)
Change your signal path to:
Guitar > Axe-Fx Ultra(FRONT input) > Line 6 UX1 > laptop

You do not need the DTR1000 - Ultra has a built-in tuner, and the FRONT input is optimized for guitar. Rear inputs are for line level gear. Make sure you read up (on the wiki) on how to adjust the input level so you get the best signal from your guitar going into the Axe. Input level should flicker RED occasionally when hit strings hard.
Ok cool I shall change it to the front input. I wonder how much difference does it make. I think I will still need the DTR-1000 for accuracy and visual purposes. I hate zooming myself in to look at the display on the AFX when tuning. haha!
shinodax said:
Ok cool I shall change it to the front input. I wonder how much difference does it make. I think I will still need the DTR-1000 for accuracy and visual purposes. I hate zooming myself in to look at the display on the AFX when tuning. haha!
The tuner screen on the Axe is pretty darn large... no need to zoom in. But your call. :)
=D Cos my rack is under me so I will have to bend down and peek. Too lazy so just use the DTR-1000. :lol:
shinodax said:
=D Cos my rack is under me so I will have to bend down and peek. Too lazy so just use the DTR-1000. :lol:
Yeah, makes sense to me. If you put the DTR into the equation, I'd route like you had it, but still going into front input on Axe, not rear:
GTr -> DRT1000 -> Axe
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