One more question ...signal routing/ins and outs.

Let me begin with my guitar rig setup

Guitar goes into a sennhiser wireless the wireless reciever has 2 outputs, an xlr and a 1/4 inch

I send the quarter inch into my amp (6505+) and the xlr into a reamp box which goes into guitar input 1 of a pod x3 pro.

my amp effects send goes into line input 1 of the x3 pro and the line out of the x3 pro goes into my effects return.

Its bascially a modification of the 4 cable method that allows me to get the tone from the wireless right into the tube amp without having to hit the x3 first (sounds better) when im using the distortion of the tube amp.

Heres the kicker....

So one cool feature on the pod x3 pro I have now is that on a channel by channel (patch by patch) basis the pod can be "listening" for the tone at either the line input (the tube amps tone) OR the guitar input (when I just want to use the pod x3 tone I.E. Clean tones/if I want to use pod x3 distortion)

This allows me to perfectly integrate the amp and pod. I can use just the tone of the amp with the effects of the pod, I can bypass the 6505+ preamp and just use the pod x3 preamps and effects. ect.

Of course all of this is patch by patch so with just the flick of a button it can be whatever combination I choose.

Does the axe fx have similar routing options on a patch by patch basis?

Anyone use it like this or similar (4 cable method)

Many thanks,

Just to clarify it can listen at the line input (the tube amp tone) or the guitar input (reg guitar sound coming in) but not both at the same time? It is critical that It would not be taking in signals from both.

Of course it would cause phasing with both, but I just want to clarify before I drop the 2k on an ultra :)

Thanks again for taking the time to read and answer this. I will download and look through the manual as well but figured it would be faster just to ask someone that has experience on a fairly technical issue.
Yes, you can use either signal and exclude the other. You could also have shared or exclusive effects for both in one preset and blend or switch/morph between them. There are ways to delay the external amp's signal to match an amp block's added latency (around 0.5 ms) and reduce phase issues that would occur otherwise.
Holy crap, thanks a ton. Thanks for wading through my issue. Your post even made you have 666 posts with this reply so i'm taking that as a sign from the dark gods.

Summoning up the funding now!
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