Old school metal/rock demo


I haven't posted anything here yet because we hadn't really recorded anything yet with the Axe-FX II. We finally put a 3 song demo together that we did ourselves in our practice space. Only my guitar is using the Axe but the other guitar player liked my tone so much he wants to use it next time.

This song came out best, and of course has the least Axe in it ;) I'm in the left channel and have no leads in this one:

And this one came out a little messy since it has so much crash cymbal going on (and we don't know what we are doing) but has more Axe in it:

Interested in any feedback including mixing tips etc since I am starting to enjoy the recording mixing process.
Reminds me of early Metallica, great job just needs tightening up.
I don't know how you are recording the drums and I'm not an expert on this but I would run it through some processing in your DAW. One way is to route the drum track to a bus with heavy compression and some reverb. During playback this will be in parallel with your raw drum track and you bring the level up as desired. It's amazing how much this adds to the sound.
Thanks for the feedback. We recorded using a Roland VS-2480 since the only computer interface we have has 2 inputs. All the mixing was done on the board since it doesn't have any type of USB or Firewire interface. It uses a proprietary "R-Bus" interface that has long since been discontinued. I found a box that converts it to Firewire but so far it has been quite flaky. I was at least able to take the mixed down stereo track into Logic to master it.

Hoping when we start doing some more recording I can pick up a real computer interface by then. Once I have that, I'll try out your suggestion.
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