Odd things


I have two presets with a synth block set on a momentary switch to emulate feedback. Somehow, it happened in early June, just happened again Saturday where the block is engaged when entering the preset causing a constant nasty tone. I just happened to pull up one of them during sound check then went to the other with the same result. Momentary switch is engaged from the start. Once I got it muted in the monitors, I tapped the switch on the effects layout and it shut off. I saved the preset then went to the other again. Not a problem now... Weird.
Any thoughts on what the issue could be? I updated to 9.0 probably 2 weeks ago but haven't edited anything and one of the two patches was just fine at another gig between the update and Saturday.
Momentary switch is engaged from the start.
Help me understand what this means. Were you standing on the momentary switch when the preset changed? Is its phase reversed? Or something else?
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If you're using a momentary Control Switch, check the CS Per Scene settings in the Controllers section of the editor and make sure it's set to OFF in all of your scenes. If it's set to ON there, it will turn the Control switch on when the scene loads and won't turn off until you hit the switch to update its state.
Help me understand what this means. Were you standing on the momentary switch when the preset changed? Is its phase reversed? Or something else?
Negative, I haven't managed to master standing on the pedal with both feet yet :grinning:
For context, I advance to the next song in the set with a long press the upper right button of the FC6.
If you're using a momentary Control Switch, check the CS Per Scene settings in the Controllers section of the editor and make sure it's set to OFF in all of your scenes. If it's set to ON there, it will turn the Control switch on when the scene loads and won't turn off until you hit the switch to update its state.
I'll definitely look into this, thank you. I am curious why this would happen intermittently though, one of the two songs affected 3is in the set almost every show and it's not a consistent issue.
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