Novation Zero SL -- Do you? would you ?


Hello anyone out there using a midi interface with the axefx? very interested in if this could be used instead of a mouse and click would make things a whole lot more interesting...?

not sure if i understand your question/intentions here...

"MIDI interface"?... sure... anyone who's upgraded their firmware or otherwise connected the Axe-Fx to the Editor has used a MIDI interface with their Axe-Fx...

MIDI controller... (that's not on the floor?)... is that what you're getting at? (But in that case, I'm not sure what you mean by "instead of a mouse and click.")

The Axe-Fx (not speaking of the upcoming Axe-PC) is not a VST/VSTi. It won't work with the ReMOTE SLs like I think you're imagining. That doesn't mean you can't make a configuration for the Axe-Fx yourself on the SL though. I have a ReMOTE 37 SL, but haven't hooked it up to the Axe-Fx. I have hooked up a Behringer BCR2000. It's all basic MIDI, same as your normal floor controller, so there's really nothing too different about it, other than controlling it with your hands instead of your feet. And it is fun... go for it... run drum tracks through the Axe and tweak effects over 'em. It's good stuff.
Re: Novation Zero SL -- Do you? would you ? Could You :)

Obviously being an midiot ...ive not made myself very clear...ok
(the behringer BCR Idea is what I'm on about but also using my Allaccess live)

Please read on ...

presently we use Axexchange via a pc/laptop to make alterations to our sounds in the ULTRA

What I'm hoping to do instead of using the mouse/and keys on a keyboard is to

set up a Zero SL (see image below) to control the functions in Ultra using the Knobs and sliders on the Zero to move knobs and sliders in real time in the ULTRA and thus in the Axechange..

My intention is to try and use a laptop with Novation SL(or the Behringer) in a live situation/rehersals i have the large laptop screen to view and midi assign controls on the SL controlling ....perameters/volumesChorus/Delay etc..
as well as using the All Access as well?

is this possible...using midi in/out/thru

How does the Axechange work in real time...would there be any problems/delay?

hope thats a bit clearer..


assign each one of the knobs/slider above to a perameter in the Ultra via midi in/out/thru to terms of the interface the dials lay out seem to be in the relevant places

Your thoughts anyone....
I'll assume that by "Axechange" you mean the Axe-Fx Editor (as opposed to the web site).

Again, since the Axe-Fx is not a VST/VSTi (and the Editor isn't either), controlling it via a MIDI controller would not be a straightforward project. You might look into something like Bome's MIDI Translator though. I haven't used it myself, but it might get you what you want. I'm not sure how well Lars's interface for the Editor lends itself to that kind of abstraction though. If you try it out and have some success with it, let us know!


Foregoing the whole idea of using a desktop/laptop computer or the Editor though... yes, with careful planning and proper MIDI cabling, you should be able to use multiple MIDI controllers (i.e. the ReMOTE and the All Access) to control one device (i.e. the Axe-Fx).

But you will be limited to the normal MIDI functions of the Axe-Fx (you won't be able to build patches from the All Access/ReMOTE, etc.). The Editor accomplishes that sort of thing through custom SysEx messages. If you find a MIDI controller that's capable of sending the proper SysEx messages, and you program them all in, then you probably could build patches from the MIDI controller. As you dub yourself a "midiot" though... you should definitely get a much better idea of the normal limitations and reasons why this doesn't normally work before you try walking on hot coals. (Nevermind the fact that I know of very very very very very few MIDI controllers that actually have custom lengthy SysEx capability.)
As far as I understand, you can only assign 8 parameters to control with midi. To do this with a Novation Remote controller shouldn't be that hard with the Axe's midi learn ability. It seems strange to me that you would only be able to assign 8 parameters, it would be totally awesome to be able to assign any number of parameters to a midi controller on say the Behringer BCR2000 and just tweak knobs to get some whacked out sounds.
awdwon said:
As far as I understand, you can only assign 8 parameters to control with midi. To do this with a Novation Remote controller shouldn't be that hard with the Axe's midi learn ability. It seems strange to me that you would only be able to assign 8 parameters, it would be totally awesome to be able to assign any number of parameters to a midi controller on say the Behringer BCR2000 and just tweak knobs to get some whacked out sounds.
A common misunderstanding and the reason why I created this page on the Wiki... ... figuration

The limit of "8 parameters" is just that you're limited to the eight "EXTERNAL #" controllers listed on that page.
Those eight controllers can be assigned to any number of Modifiable Parameters.
And there are quite a lot of Modifiable Parameters in the Axe-Fx (another Wiki page I should make sometime).
You can, for example, hook up EXTERNAL 1 to two different volume blocks, invert the modifier curve on one of them, and have a convenient way to turn the volume of one block up while the other goes down at the same time, from one controller (whether that's hooked up to an expression pedal or a knob is up to you).
Also of note is that those Modifier assignments are per-patch. So in the next patch, you could have the same EXTERNAL 1 controller assigned to a wah instead.

Most of the rest of the controls on that Control configuration page are toggles (on/off) or one-shot sort of things except OUT1/2 VOLUME (I think those are the only exception).

It's a bit confusing at first, and especially if you don't have an Axe-Fx to mess with, but once you've hooked up your first External Controller to a Modifiable Parameter, the rest of it will probably make perfect sense.

I do wish that there were more than eight External Controllers available, but it's a very rare occasion that I would actually use them. As a guitarist, I probably wouldn't.
It will not work in any way with the Axe-Fx Editor or Axechange.

It will work directly with your Axe-Fx for the external controllers, but it will limited by what can be controlled on the Axe-Fx.

Most likely it will not work like you think it will, and you will be bummed if you buy it.

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