Not only check your cables, check your plug too!


Ok that was weird.
I recognized some weird sound issues and I could not find out what the problem was.
My sound got distorted in a strange way, wobbly bass and artifacts.

I tried everything, change IR‘s, adjusted Dyna Cabs etc.
And then from one of the other second, no sound!
I immediately changed the cable and everything was just great again.
But in my case it wasn’t the cable, it was the plug!
The Neutrik silent plug caused some strange sound issues, I replaced the plug with a new one, problem solved.

I should have tried one of my spare cables first instead of trying to fix the sound in my Axe FX.
Ok that was weird.
I recognized some weird sound issues and I could not find out what the problem was.
My sound got distorted in a strange way, wobbly bass and artifacts.

I tried everything, change IR‘s, adjusted Dyna Cabs etc.
And then from one of the other second, no sound!
I immediately changed the cable and everything was just great again.
But in my case it wasn’t the cable, it was the plug!
The Neutrik silent plug caused some strange sound issues, I replaced the plug with a new one, problem solved.

I should have tried one of my spare cables first instead of trying to fix the sound in my Axe FX.
I had similar problem with my wireless pack cable causing weird hi freq noises. I was looking at everything in my signal chain in the FM on the board... then after 30 minutes of futzing around by chance I bumped my wireless pack and it all went away. Come to find out the pigtail connector at the pack had come loose, talk about infuriating and relieving at the same time.
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