[Not a bug] 7.02 Default Out Comp Threshold & Out Clarity Question


When I change from one amp to another or reset any amp the Out Comp Threshold defaults to -60.00 db and the Out Comp Clarity defaults to 0.00 on every amp.

Can anyone check if yours does the same or verify if that's correct?
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Screen Shot 2017-04-15 at 9.57.21 AM.png
That's by design.
Thanks yek, I downloaded your presets and the the Out Comp Threshold is set to -30.00 db and the Out Comp Clarity set to 6.51 on every amp. Which is why I’m asking the question.
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Must be a bug, reloaded 7.01 and it doesn't default every amp on the Out Comp Threshold to -60.00 db and the Out Comp Clarity to 0.00 on every amp.
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