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Noodling on Cliff's mod'd VH patch...


I originally posted this on the FW11B thread. I figured maybe this was a better place.

I loaded FW11B a few days ago. I like it. I checked out Cliff's VH patch earlier. I was having fun with it noodling some Van Halen tunes. I pulled up the layout to see what amp & cab combo it was... The cool part was seeing some of the other blocks Cliff had on the grid. I added a drive, turned a on the Quad Tap & added a big spring verb and made the coolest sloppy/muddy patch I've come across on the Axe. It reminds me of a Peavey Triumph 60 with gain up and the spring verb kranked up. Awesome! I attached some noodling.

I've spent so much time trying to come up with the perfect pristine shredding tone that I forgot how fun it is to just let go on a sloppy amp. I'm diggin' the patch and FW11!
Thanks, Cliff!
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