Noob still fighting it...

Just Joe

I've had the Axe since Xmas. Need to use it for live. Was finally making a little headway with K12s, but after v6, they dont sound so good...and my PV50/50 -> avatar 2x12 oversize w/c30s does...with the amp and cab sims on...I'm so confused and frustrated...I dont want to lug all that crap around...just venting :|
U mean peavy 5050 classic? Make sure your prescrnce and resonance are at 0. I used it eith my axe and loved it... it was hust fatally heavy... thats why i got the matrix gt1000fx.
There's another k12 post on the forum and we're discussing how you might want to cut lows and highs for those speakers. Check it out.
There's another k12 post on the forum and we're discussing how you might want to cut lows and highs for those speakers. Check it out.

I was just reading that. I'm just jealous of all the folks I see on here that seemingly are using it almost out of the box and getting (by their accts) great results...I cant get the hang of it and I'm close to giving up. Finding the 'right' setup for it has been most frustrating. I had hoped to use the FRFR thing most were talking about here as that would've been great - I have 2 K12s I can use - and I could send the copied output to FOH. However, if I use amp/cab that's going to be trickier...
However, if I use amp/cab that's going to be trickier...

my .02. i bought the axe for live first, recording and such second.
as a gigging player i tried the FRFR and it wasn't for me. the amp(ss or tube)/cab has ALWAYS been better for my situation.
OUT1 to FOH, OUT2 to my amp. i control stage volume, the sound guy wrecks it for everyone else. LOL
i want FRFR to work for me, but i just cant get pass the sound. (if that makes sense).

look at preset 381 (i think), it's more equipment to haul, but its pretty simple to run.
Can you describe more about what isn't working for you or what doesn't sound good about FRFR?
I use a PEQ right after the cab. Freq1 set to blocking at 125, Freq5 set to blocking around 6600 (adjust to taste). This tames my top end nicely and cuts out the mud. There are a lot more frequencies coming out of FRFR's than come out of a guitar cab. It is the nature of the beast.
I also find getting a cab to match the amp/preset and then mic (or not) is also a challenge. The one great thing about using the outboard stuff was turning the cab sims off - one less thing to try to get to sound 'right'...but defeats the whole purpose of the Axe to begin with it seems
I've always tried to use the least amount of blocks or changes as possible. PEQ is cool, but the amp block has SO much control in it. I definitely suggest using the hi and low cuts in it, either the Power amp or the other one (I forget) as a starting point. remember that 6.0 has given us even more accurate modeling of the entire amp chain so you are probably facing the same challenges that a sound guy would face when putting a mic on a real amp/cab. Think like a sound engineer, not a guitarist a bit!
I think for some of the models (Rectifier and Uber specifically) they became less "studio ready" right off the preset and more "this is what the amp actually sounds like when mic'd" or "raw" going from 5.07 to 6.0. Try doing what you would normally do to the actual amp to make it sound like the way you want it mic'd.. For me, I always "boosted" my actual rectifier with a Tube Screamer with gain at 0 and tone at 10 to tighten up the "mud" and give it a extra sizzle. I did that in my digital signal chain in 6.0, and that did the trick for my personal recto preset..
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