noob setup questions from someone considering the MFC-101


I'm at the point where I really could use much more control of the Axe than my current FCB is providing. So I tried to take a step back and rethink the "ideal" MIDI solution without a specific floorboard in mind. Now I'm trying to map my desired "ideal" functionality onto the MFC-101 and I THINK it's doable but there's a couple of aspects I need to verify that I haven't been able to get a firm handle on from the manual & forum searches. And of course I could also be completely off base and none of this is doable! lol

I use one patch per song so I think song mode would be good for me. So question #1 is... up & down scroll thru the setlist presets in song mode regardless of the state of Reveal/Preset modes?

I utilize multiple songs per patch but sometimes they differ on starting scene. So question #2 is...
...can selected song navigate to a song & scene or will it always revert to scene #1?

Since I'll be using song mode to select song patches I don't really need preset switching via #1-#17, leaving it in reveal mode 98% of the time. However, there are a few more than 17 features I'd like access too but some just on occasion. So I'm wondering if I can utilize preset mode for those things. So question #3 is...
...can preset buttons only send CC's when in preset mode? (These would be things that I don't really need a visual on so I don't care about the state of the LED...things like patch volume incr/decr, tuner, scenes)

Thanks much in advance.
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