Noise gate doesn't seem to be cutting it


I've had the AxeFx3 for about a year now and have not really found a setting for the noise gate that really works for me and this is typically in a live room scenario playing with a band at loud volumes. I typically use a JVM or 6505 patch with gain at about 3 and a boost with drive at zero so I wouldn't say I'm using crazy amounts of gain. I use a modern gate in between amp and cab block and side chained to input, but one question I have is am I supposed to turn the input gate threshold all the way down to zero since I am using the threshold in the gate block? The sound I am trying to block out is the high squeal coming from the pickups. When I try to stop playing I have to immediately cut the volume control on my guitar or it will squeal. I keep the threshold very high, to the point that its a balancing act of killing sustain or dealing with the squeals.

I don't seem to have this issue with my Fortin Zuul + and 6505. Even running the Zuul+ in front of the Axe Fx 3 seemed to work wonders but haven't tested this out enough yet. This pedal is literally the best gate I have tried and does and amazing job. I was hoping to replicate that using the side chain option in the fractal but its just not the same. Does anyone use an external noise gate with their fractal?

The setup I am currently using and experiencing a majority of the issues is when I run through my VHT 290 amp into cab and run output 1 to PA. I do try to move around the room and find a sweet spot but its super annoying and uninspiring. Any tips from anyone who's experienced or solved this kind of issue is appreciated. I love the axe fx 3 and trying to use it as a main setup at rehearsals and live but its so convenient to run out of the Zuul into a 6505 and have a quiet manageable rig very easily. I've even tested out the 4cm to use the fractal for all of my effects yesterday and liked it a lot but I would definitely use the Zuul in that set up and not use any gates in the fractal.
Have you tried the Modern Expander? Maybe place it towards the front of the signal chain? Set the attack and release lower.
I will try moving the gate block around and see how it effects it. I do typically set the attack and release all the way left. Does anyone mess with the low and high cut options on the block? I never really mess with these settings at all.
Your description sounds like pickup squeal, which is a mechanical problem. Is the squeal gone if you gently hold the pickup with your fingers while not playing (with the volume up)? If yes, I'd recommend putting some foam under the affected pickup
You still need to set the threshold in the gate block based on when you need the gate to close. The sidechain option for the input has nothing to do with the In block gate. It's tracking the signal directly from the input, not the In 1 block. If you set the threshold all the way down, you're not getting any gating at all.

Are your pickups potted?
Why not just use the input block gate? Its placement is not be accident…gating should generally be applied before you start amplifying the signal (i.e. before the drive and amp blocks).
You still need to set the threshold in the gate block based on when you need the gate to close. The sidechain option for the input has nothing to do with the In block gate. It's tracking the signal directly from the input, not the In 1 block. If you set the threshold all the way down, you're not getting any gating at all.

Are your pickups potted?
So I was thinking like the zuul that you have one threshold but ran 4CM so didnt know how to replicate this set up in the fractal. Wasnt sure if it was keying the input the same and just had to adjust the threshold in the gate block and leave the input gate threshold to off. And yes my pickups are all potted. This seems to happen most in the jam space where the noise level is high but what ive noticed is the Zuul has been better with managing the noise coming from the pickups.
The input gate has nothing to do with the Gate block. They are completely separate gates. If you're using the Gate block, you should probably turn the threshold on the input gate all the way down to disable it. By default, the gate block is triggered from the input to the gate block itself. By changing the sidechain option to Input 1, it is triggered from the direct input signal from the guitar instead. In either case, the threshold in the gate block is the one to adjust.

You could also try putting a high cut filter on your input signal to help tame any excessive high frequencies that might be coming in.
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