No waiting list anymore for the AXE II ?


Power User
I just looked @ the purchase page, the AXEII is on sale for 2200$.
Does it means that the "waiting list" days are over ?
I don't think the Ebay sellers got the message. Today I put in an offer to buy a used II for $2,099 and the seller countered with $2,599 :roll ...needless to say I declined
Yeah, the no waiting list thing will mess them up on used IIs for sure. I must have gotten one of the last IIs that required a wait (about three weeks ago, was on list for just over three weeks). MFC wait wasn't about another three weeks and I think they are now in stock as well.
This clowns on eBay asking 2200$ (or more) for a used AXEII is really funny.
Also the shops selling new units for more then 2200$, IMO - don't think that a dealer should sell in the same price (2200$) as Fractal, they should be cheaper for @ least 100$ otherwise there is no reason in the world to buy from them other then directly from Fractal.
Since you loose warantie i wouldnt even buy it 3-400$ cheaper then the price at FAS.
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