No sound from unit after 17.01 update.....seems to be an input issue.


I just tried updating to 17.01......after updating to the latest version of Axe Edit. The first attempt froze for some reason. The screen on the Axe changed to something I haven't seen before....should have took a pic. So I powered the Axe down and reloaded the new firmware. This time it uploaded, but now I get no sound. This definitely appears to be an input issue as well. Anybody have any idea as to the cause, or more importantly the solution?
Make sure Input 1 is set to Analog input. Sometimes, although rare, firmware updates can mess with your system settings or even reset them completely.

You could also try a system reset and then restore your settings from a previous backup.
Axe3 Input 1 lights are not flashing with a good cable? If they are - then it's not an input issue - attach a preset and we can have a look.
That is indeed the case. At the risk of sounding dumb, what's the procedure for attaching a preset? I know I should know this, but up to now I haven't had a problem that required me to do it.
Just export the preset from Axe Edit and attach it here using the Attach Files button that is in the lower left when you make a post. Just don't post a commercial preset.
Not sure, but I think this is it. Ignore the preset name, I re tweaked everything when I went to FW 17. I just never renamed it.


  • Cygnus 16.0 beta.syx
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Go to the 'Meters' tab on the front panel. You can see the stereo input and output of every block in the grid to see where audio stops.

Enter the Layout page (press the 'B' mini knob). Zoom out to see the entire grid (press the 'A' mini knob). Enter the 'Meters' tab (Page right >>). Strum your guitar and observe the meters in each block. Page left << to see the block names.
Not sure, but I think this is it. Ignore the preset name, I re tweaked everything when I went to FW 17. I just never renamed it.
The scenes with Factory cabs work here. The one's with User Cabs are silent for me, as I don't have any IRs in those slots.
Just did all that and Outputs 1L and 1R meters jump when I strum the guitar, but still no sound. This is definitely a result of the update attempt as I was playing all last night at the studio and earlier this morning. I've been through all the global settings and whatnot, but I'm pretty much at a loss at this point.
Have you tried the Headphone outs?

Did you do a complete backup before updating? Load your Global settings from your backup.
Have you tried the Headphone outs?

Did you do a complete backup before updating? Load your Global settings from your backup.
I did, nothing through the phones either. Unfortunately I did not follow the cardinal rule and do a backup. I reopened Fractal Bot and for the first time it showed the option for 17.01. I reloaded it again in hopes that would resolve the issue, but no luck.
Front panel output knobs turned up?

Outputs on your external interface / amplification turned on/up?

No modifiers on the volume parameters in Setup>MidiRemote>Other?
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Did you make sure your speakers are all connected to the right outputs? I'd recheck the connections there just in case. Plug everything out and in again.
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