no save when using on the fly edits


New Member
Hello everyone,

unfortunately I even don't know what to call my problem exactly, so I was not even able to find a title to the post, let alone beeing able to use an in depth search, hence having no fitting keywords.

When I do perform, I occasionally change the footswitch layout to layout 4, which in my case let's me toggle drive, delay and reverb.
How can I avoid, that these changes are beeing "memorized" by the fractal, when I change scenes?
I'm in my live preset in scene 1, which has the delay block turned off. Then while playing, I switch my FC layout to nr. 4, and I turn on the delay block.
Then I change to a different scene within the same preset.
When I come back to scene 1, the delay block is still active.
But I don't want that. I want that scene 1 is set back to the settings that were saved and that all those "on the fly"-changes are being ignored.

(How) Can I do that?

Also I'd like to know, if there is a "lock" setting for the fractal so, that when whatever changes are made the "edited" LED does not turn on, because all changes are ignored.

I would be very thankful, if someone could help me, by either giving me a hint, how it's done, or what keywords I could use to find a possible answer.

Thank you and have a nice Sunday!
Chris from Bavaria
This has nothing to do with your layouts.

Go into the global settings and set Scene Revert to ON.

The edited light will always be on when you make a change.

The only option you have to control that is the case where the only change is the active scene.

There's a global setting for that called something like "edited on scene change".
Hello unix-guy,
thank you very much for your help!

It seems like this option has been gone to the MIDI menu though!

With your help I could search the term Scene Revert and so I finally found it!
Greetings from Bavaria! Chris
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