No Randall amp

Maybe I'm just blind, is there any Randall amp and cabs in FM3? If there isn't, what's the closest sounding alternative.
I would like to have some fun with Pantera songs this week.
No Randall Amps or Cabs.
The EQ section in the amp block is quite powerfull. My go to metal amp is still the recto1 red. I‘ve been dialing out around 400-800hz and boosting around 2,5khz to get that dimebag tone. And i‘ve been boosting the gain more than i usually would.

Give it a try.
No Randall Amps or Cabs.
The EQ section in the amp block is quite powerfull. My go to metal amp is still the recto1 red. I‘ve been dialing out around 400-800hz and boosting around 2,5khz to get that dimebag tone. And i‘ve been boosting the gain more than i usually would.

Give it a try.
Thanks. Sounds close but still missing the solid-state flavour.
Thats just a quick approach. I´m sure, there are ways to get the right flavour.
I personally think, Dime´s Tone is more based on extreme EQ settings rather than tube vs. transistor. Besides that, his tone came from his playing.
Think about it, the time, when Dime used those Amps, the market was way different. The options on very aggressive tube amps was quite limited. Today thats not the case. And for some reason i believe, that dime would have been a Fractal artist if he´d be still alive.
Maybe I'm just blind, is there any Randall amp and cabs in FM3? If there isn't, what's the closest sounding alternative.
I would like to have some fun with Pantera songs this week.
Ola Englund does some detailed breakdowns on Dime's tone on YT.
You can learn a lot on how to get his tone from that regardless of the gear.
He did a fair bit with pedals and noise gates that was consistent from amp to amp.
Try the Fryette D60 More - it can be harsh in a good way and it doesn't sag a lot. Mess around with some Dime-style eq and it will be punchy for sure.
Ola Englund does some detailed breakdowns on Dime's tone on YT.
You can learn a lot on how to get his tone from that regardless of the gear.
He did a fair bit with pedals and noise gates that was consistent from amp to amp.
What a coincidence, Ola just posted a YT clip yesterday trying to do a Pantera/Dimebag tone using another gear.
Sad if still not modeled. Just tragic. Here is Crowbar really making that RG really sing. Apparently Kirk just did what Dimebag did with the circuit but only in reverse. That sound is really special and the heaviest thing EVER!

Unfortunately I think they difficult to model in the Fractal ecosystem because they are solid state. Everything in Fractal is tuned around tube amps, the modelling, the amp design, the speaker interactions. Solid state amps even drive speakers differently than tube amps. The Drive pedals accurately model the solid state behaviours, but that's not the same as building solid state versions of every part of the amp block.

The Jazz Chorus is the exception. Because it's a very linear clean amp, I assume that a lot of the tube "quirks" can be tuned out in the model leaving it acting like a clean solid state amp.

That said, there's lot of things you can do to also make a tube amp react more immediately like reducing sag, etc. But a lot of that is about feel, not so much tone. For tone you'll get a lot of mileage out of doing what Dime did: boosting the front of the amp with multiple EQs to give you that angry cocked wah sound, then cutting some mids back out with the amp EQ. I used an EQ block then a PEQ then the amp bllock EQ moved to be on the input and got good results with the FAS Modern.
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