Nita Strauss and Fractal

Surely the tattoo could be morphed into a fractal logo. Like how guys commit to tattoo of their girlfriend's name then breakup months later...
She literally has a BOSS tattoo.

Yeah, I can't see it.

I'm trying to find a pic of the aforementioned tattoo. Anyone find one?
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(Said in whispered voice) Just between you and me, I have yet to find a shredder that has much to say musically. I understand that's some people's thing (and that's totally fine). For me though, it usually is a few seconds of "wow that's really fast" which quickly turns to boredom.

Different topic: I'm trying to find a pic of the aforementioned tattoo. Anyone find one?

Uh-oh. I don't think you whispered that quietly enough. :)
I deleted a reply about the "whisper". Too off topic.
Funny what she says at around 3:55 or so. When he asks whcih amps she is using she says no names because if it's a JCM whatever you expect it to sound like a JCM whatever and it falls short. She needs a Fractal....just sayin!
I deleted a reply about the "whisper". Too off topic.
Funny what she says at around 3:55 or so. When he asks whcih amps she is using she says no names because if it's a JCM whatever you expect it to sound like a JCM whatever and it falls short. She needs a Fractal....just sayin!
I deleted my response as well. I think I'm in agreement with you. Just a little humor...
Self-censoring??? What's that??? :)

I will say in Nita's defense that she is at least using what she endorses. Whether that is a good thing
is open for debate.
Self-censoring??? What's that??? :)

I will say in Nita's defense that she is at least using what she endorses. Whether that is a good thing
is open for debate.
I don't mind stirring the pot, but I've discovered that sometimes I don't want to deal with the aftermath!!! :fire::p
Besides, it really was off topic and I'm trying to do better about that.

Back to Nita, you're right and I'm not criticizing her at all. As I think through that video though it just makes you wonder about people's choices. I've used Boss and I like the effects, but the amps do not compare to Fractal. She has the opportunity to hear the difference and for whatever reason sticks with Boss. I came to Fractal from Boss and, at least at this point, I couldn't go back.
Didn't think her tone was terrible or great. Functional.

Great player tho.
For most of the vid, yes. At about the 3:10 mark I think I'd rather listen to nails on a chalkboard though!

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