NI Rig Kontrol 3 - PC Problem


So I figured out how to use my RK3 with my AFX last night. Well, mostly. Everything works except the patch change buttons, but I'll figure out which CC to use and have that remedied soon enough.

So anywho, it has patch up/down buttons, a tap tempo button, 6 IA buttons (if you count the the tuner button and expression pedal button), and a built-in expression pedal. All in a very compact little package. The only real "flaw" in using this pedal is it doesn't display patch numbers when not used with GR, but I only use 4 patches at a time anyway, so I don't care.

I was about to sell this thing on eBay since I never used it and just wait for Fractal to release their controller, but it can easily tide me over until then.

Pretay, pretay cool I think.
OK. So anyway. The coolness has temporarily worn off as I still can't get the patch change buttons to work right.

When I press the next button, the patch increments by one as expected. When I press the previous button, the patch changes by anywhere from 4 to 70+ presets on the AFX (the RK3 display does not update when in MIDI mode. It just says 'CTRL' all the time, which is OK I guess). It then decrements by one each time it is pressed as expected. If I hit the next button again, it jumps by a large number again, then settles back into incrementing by one each time it is pressed.

I have each button set up as a PC with a range of 0 to 127 and increment of 1. I don't know if I've messed this up in the Rig Kontrol configuration or in the AFX configuration.

Anyone have any ideas? Seems to me this thing should work. I'm so close to having a sweet little compact board with built-in pedal...
Are the two patch increment/patch decrement controllers aware of each other?
i.e. when you change the "current patch" on one, does the other one get updated as well?

If not, that would explain the behavior except for the stated 4-70+ range.

e.g. (paying particular attention to the "patch sent" column)
   [ inc pressed | dec pressed | patch sent | inc's patch | dec's patch ]
  0[             |             |       n/a  |          0  |          0  ]
  1[      +      |             |         1  |          1  |          0  ]
  2[      +      |             |         2  |          2  |          0  ]
  3[      +      |             |         3  |          3  |          0  ]
  4[             |      -      |       127  |          3  |        127  ]
  5[             |      -      |       126  |          3  |        126  ]
  6[      +      |             |         4  |          4  |        126  ]
  7[      +      |             |         5  |          5  |        126  ]
...[     ...     |     ...     |       ...  |        ...  |        ...  ]

I'm seeing on the image of the back of the RK3, two pedal jacks. It might be easier to use those, along with the Axe-Fx's built-in patch increment/patch decrement capability for pedal inputs, to inc/dec the patches -- IF those are output and not pedal input jacks -- due to the manual on the site mostly being about Guitar Rig... don't really feel like searching through it right now to find out how the hardware controller actually operates. :p
Thanks for the response, GP.

I'll look into it tonight. I didn't realize the preset change pedals needed to be aware of each other. I thought the AFX kept track of the patches and the controller just sent up/down messages to the AFX. Maybe I should learn more about MIDI.

If you are right (and I'm sure you probably are), there may be some way to gang them or something. I'll look into it.

As you say, the NI hardware documentation is hard to follow. Some info is in the GR4 manual. Some is in the RK3 manual. Still more is in the Controller Configuration software manual.

Essentially, the RK3 just works seamlessly with GR right out of the box as you would expect. There is a lot of documentation about how to drag effects to it to assign IA switching or CC control, etc. But once you get out into the weeds of using it as a true MIDI control, the information drops off quickly.

I know it has the capability, save for some bug or something. It's just a matter of figuring it out. Unfortunately, I've already been through all the trial and error I can think of.
Cool. From browsing the NI site, I wasn't aware the RK3 had its own manual (separate from GR4). If you've got a URL for that, I'll give it a look. :)
were you able to get the rig kontrol to work with the Axe FX? I am in the process of purchasing an Axe FX and am interested in using my existing rig kontrol from my guitar rig setup.. Any advice / tutorial you can suggest would be greatly appreciated.. it appears through the use of NI controller editor application and AXE FX controller capabilities it should work but am interested in hearing about your experience.

Thanks in advance..
I never got it to work, but I'm sure it's possible. You might have better luck than I did. I had someone want to buy mine, so I sold it shortly after my last post in this thread and figured I'd just wait for the MFC101.
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