Newbie Question.


Hey guys, Great forum. I was a stalker till I received my Axe Fx ll a week ago. In the time I've spent with it, about 1 1/2 hours I noticed that, much to my surprise, many of the stock patches are fuzzy or over driven. I've been listening through my Sennheiser head phones. No red line spiking so I'm confused because it's new out of the box. Any input is greatly appreciated. Thanks.
are you referring to "clean" guitar tones that have "amp distortion" when you play, or like something in your headphones is digitally clipping?

many of the clean presets were created with the amp at the edge of amp breakup, so to clean it up you'd roll your guitar volume knob back just a bit. you could also remedy this by lowering the Drive value in the Amp block, probably increasing the Level value after that to compensate for the lower volume.
The cleans sound fantastic. Seems that all of the overdrive presets are a little hairy or fuzzy. Can't find a smooth overdriven patch ala. Vai, Satch, Santana, etc.
what guitar are you using? pickups?

the axe really brings out all the qualities of the guitar you use, unlike many other modelers out there. headphones also bring the speakers right near your ears, so headphones designed to be clear for processed music might make a raw guitar tone (without other instruments/music going on) very rough. but generally some of that "hair/fuzz" will make the guitar cut through the mix in a band or recording situation.
Thanks for your reply. I've watched your videos. I'm using an early Ernie Ball Musicman EVH model.
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