Newbie Here - Tried Updating Firmware and Now AxeFX Standard has no sound..

Johnny Raz

New Member
I'm not an audio engineer, so please pardon my newbie ness - I have only had my standard for 3 weeks, and the current firmware is 10.3 I wanted to upgrade to 10.4, so I hooked up my MIDISPORT 2x2 (for the very first time), then went through the process of updating the firmware, but was unsuccesful. Then I go to plug in the headphones to practice and POOF - no sound at all - just crackling on some of the presets. I re-checked all my connections, then unplugged all the MIDISPORT stuff, and still I have no sound -- I only get crackling... What could I have done to create such a bad result? I was planning on playing in church tomorrow, but that is doubtful....

Please - can anyone offer some advise or help?
You can try resetting the system parameters in the utility menu. Other than that I'd try to update it again properly. Try Bome's SendSX; it's never failed for me and make sure that you don't have anything connected between the 2x2 and the AxeFX. Also make sure that you have both the in's and out's connected and configured properly in SendSX (and connected right, in to out and out to in).
I wanted to upgrade to 10.4, so I hooked up my MIDISPORT 2x2 (for the very first time), then went through the process of updating the firmware, but was unsuccesful.
What was the indication that you got of being unsuccessful?

Then I go to plug in the headphones to practice
Into the Axe-Fx?

I re-checked all my connections, then unplugged all the MIDISPORT stuff, and still I have no sound -- I only get crackling...
Does the Axe-Fx boot successfully om powerup? Does it still show the old firmware installed (press the "Utility" button, then go to the "Firmware" page)?

We need the answers to the above in order to help.
Thank you for the quick responses - I stupidly had changed the input to "digital" and that is why I have the crackling sounds. Once I changed it to ANALOG, it was fine. As for the Firmware, I thought that the Axe-FX Editor would go out and grab the latest firmware, then I realized (after getting some sleep) that I needed to download it to the Editor directory on my laptop, then start the firmware update process, and it worked.

Next step - get my new LF Jr. to "talk" to the Axe-FX......
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