Newbee, so maybe dumb question but...(Time out error in Axe edit)


New Member
Hi, my first post here...
I've tried to find the answer but it's still a little "abbacadabra" for me..
I installed Axe Edit earlier tonight (30-8-2013), and everything seemed to work fine.
I was finding out how things work, but then I apparently changed something in the "Settings" (tab)
After that, Axe Edit doesn't work at all anymore. I can't change it back. Every option in tabs stays blanc.
I un-installed the program, re-installed it, tried some of the solutions I could find here, but nothing works.
Changed the USB cable and tried another port,... nothing.
The message "Communication failure: Axe-Edit was unable to complete the communication request due to time-out" keeps comming back
Can someone explain in "dummy style" what to do? I realy hope so... :-D
b.t.w. I'm on Windows 7

Please review the TROUBLESHOOTING section at the end of the new Getting Started Guide, available here:

Fractal Audio Systems - Axe-Edit 3.0 Software Editor for the Fractal Audio Axe-Fx II Guitar Processor

Hi, thanks verry much for the help, but unfortunately it didn't help.:cry
I tried realy everything in "troubleshooting" thing, including "run as admin" and "clean system" option, but nothing helps.
The tip about going to "prefrences/settings" in useless. I can't even open settings. It stays blanc, and I can't click on anything
Axe-edit says my Axe FX is connected though, but further I can't do anything with it....:evil:evil
Also tried another USB cable again, and another USB port, but I still get the "time out" message everytime I start up Axe Edit.
Do you have any other tips? I think it's so weird because at my first try everything worked perfectly. It was after I think I changed something in the setting. after that there was no way back changing it to the original setting.....
(b.t.w. but mayby not needed... I use an Axe FX II mkII and an MFC101 mkII, but completely updated)

Thanks again!
Thanks for the answer. Unfortunately it didn't help... :-(
I realy almost tried everything mentioned in the "trouble shoot"' part, but no luck. (already did all the updates, tried "run as admin" option, and also tried the "clean system" option....
I write "almost" because I still can't click on anything in Axe Edit, so I could not get into the "setting" part.
That's where it went wrong in the first place. After I changed something there (out or input?), there was no turning back. Axe Edit is completely blocked since then, and I can't use it anymore.
It says I'm connected with my Axe FX II but it says this also when my Axe FX is off... :?
I even tried a system recovery in Windows, but no luck eighter.
It keeps on giving me the "...time out" notification... I thnk it's so weird, because it did work yesterday when I installed everything. again, it went wrong after i changed someting in the "settings" which I can't cange back anymore....
Do you have any other tips, because I relay don't knw what to do anymore.

(I'm using Windows 7, 32 bit, Axe FX II MKII, MFC-101 MKII all updated, and latest drivers installed)
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