New Windows 11 PC Build Won't Recognize Axe III


New PC here and it won't recognize the Axe. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling, restarting both, etc. No dice. If it matters I'm running an MSI B660-A Pro MB, I5 13600 with 64GB DDR4. Thanks in advance.

I should add that the first time I plugged in the USB cable from the axe, and before I had installed the driver, I noticed a pop up that disappeared very quickly and I think it was that Windows notice that says something like "What to do when this type of device is detected" or something like that. I never saw it again.
Glad it's working. I run into that at work with older USB 2.0 printers and scanners. Some of them just don't like USB 3.0+ ports. They are supposed to be backwards compatible will 2.0 devices, but some just don't get along.
Thanks again. Maybe this will be addressed in the Axe with a future USB firmware patch. Take care.
It is an issue with the way your Motherboard manufacturer implemented the USB port. This was an issue with the Intel-based motherboards on certain southbridge chipsets. I am guessing this is a similar issue with the AMD sounthbridge chipset you have on the board since it is a generation or so behind.

There is nothing for Fractal to do in this case.
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