New Vid of Kustom KPC12MPs with the axe

I'm assuming you're using cab sims in the videos. How well do the Axe cab sims translate through these monitors, do they sound like the cabs they are intended to simulate, or do they sound different?
axel said:
I'm assuming you're using cab sims in the videos. How well do the Axe cab sims translate through these monitors, do they sound like the cabs they are intended to simulate, or do they sound different?

I don't know as I don't own the cabs the axe is simulating. Sounds ok to me I guess.
Too bad that they're only available via Musicians Friend. Can't get them here in Europe.
I wonder what the European version would be called, and where to get a hold of them...

- jonah
The pair I ordered arrived at the house today. Tough to convince the wife I didn't spend much money when two large boxes show up on the front porch. :lol:

Anyway, I haven't had much time with them yet and most of the time was less than gig volume, however so far I'm impressed for the price. They have a nice solid feel to them. Zentman wasn't kidding about rolling off the highs....they'll tear your face off when they're pointed right up at you at point blank range. Off-axis listening tames the highs quite a bit though. Bottom line is they're plenty loud and should cut through just fine in a live situation. I normally wear hearing protection in loud playing situations, but I'd be a little concerned if someone else were to stand in the high frequency beam of death for any length of time. Maybe I'll see about putting something in front of the tweeter to tame it a bit. I could always look to mod it in the future I guess.

Zentman, how much noise is there when yours are powered on with nothing connected? Both of mine are pretty darn quiet, but one of them has a kind of ticking square wave sound instead of the normal low level white noise hiss. It's very quiet and nothing you'd hear in normal operation, but I'm a little concerned maybe something is wrong with it. I haven't yet tried to isolate sources of interference, but they're both in the same outlet and close to each other, so I feel like it's something else. I might call Kustom to see what they say. I suppose I could do an exchange return through MF if it comes to it.

Overall....quite pleased so far. Thanks again for the heads up.
mitch said:
The pair I ordered arrived at the house today. Tough to convince the wife I didn't spend much money when two large boxes show up on the front porch. :lol:

Anyway, I haven't had much time with them yet and most of the time was less than gig volume, however so far I'm impressed for the price. They have a nice solid feel to them. Zentman wasn't kidding about rolling off the highs....they'll tear your face off when they're pointed right up at you at point blank range. Off-axis listening tames the highs quite a bit though. Bottom line is they're plenty loud and should cut through just fine in a live situation. I normally wear hearing protection in loud playing situations, but I'd be a little concerned if someone else were to stand in the high frequency beam of death for any length of time. Maybe I'll see about putting something in front of the tweeter to tame it a bit. I could always look to mod it in the future I guess.

Zentman, how much noise is there when yours are powered on with nothing connected? Both of mine are pretty darn quiet, but one of them has a kind of ticking square wave sound instead of the normal low level white noise hiss. It's very quiet and nothing you'd hear in normal operation, but I'm a little concerned maybe something is wrong with it. I haven't yet tried to isolate sources of interference, but they're both in the same outlet and close to each other, so I feel like it's something else. I might call Kustom to see what they say. I suppose I could do an exchange return through MF if it comes to it.

Overall....quite pleased so far. Thanks again for the heads up.

Mine are dead quiet. Try running 4k and 8k on the global all the way down then roll up to taste. Use the XLR outs on the axe.
zentman said:
mitch said:
The pair I ordered arrived at the house today. Tough to convince the wife I didn't spend much money when two large boxes show up on the front porch. :lol:

Anyway, I haven't had much time with them yet and most of the time was less than gig volume, however so far I'm impressed for the price. They have a nice solid feel to them. Zentman wasn't kidding about rolling off the highs....they'll tear your face off when they're pointed right up at you at point blank range. Off-axis listening tames the highs quite a bit though. Bottom line is they're plenty loud and should cut through just fine in a live situation. I normally wear hearing protection in loud playing situations, but I'd be a little concerned if someone else were to stand in the high frequency beam of death for any length of time. Maybe I'll see about putting something in front of the tweeter to tame it a bit. I could always look to mod it in the future I guess.

Zentman, how much noise is there when yours are powered on with nothing connected? Both of mine are pretty darn quiet, but one of them has a kind of ticking square wave sound instead of the normal low level white noise hiss. It's very quiet and nothing you'd hear in normal operation, but I'm a little concerned maybe something is wrong with it. I haven't yet tried to isolate sources of interference, but they're both in the same outlet and close to each other, so I feel like it's something else. I might call Kustom to see what they say. I suppose I could do an exchange return through MF if it comes to it.

Overall....quite pleased so far. Thanks again for the heads up.

Mine are dead quiet. Try running 4k and 8k on the global all the way down then roll up to taste. Use the XLR outs on the axe.

Yup, I'm already rolling off the highs to taste and I'm using the XLR's. The minor noise is present on only one of them and even with nothing plugged in. The other one has a very faint noise floor, but essentially what I'd call dead quiet. Much quieter than other powered speakers I've used. I'll call Kustom tomorrow to see what the story is.
mitch said:
zentman said:
mitch said:
The pair I ordered arrived at the house today. Tough to convince the wife I didn't spend much money when two large boxes show up on the front porch. :lol:

Anyway, I haven't had much time with them yet and most of the time was less than gig volume, however so far I'm impressed for the price. They have a nice solid feel to them. Zentman wasn't kidding about rolling off the highs....they'll tear your face off when they're pointed right up at you at point blank range. Off-axis listening tames the highs quite a bit though. Bottom line is they're plenty loud and should cut through just fine in a live situation. I normally wear hearing protection in loud playing situations, but I'd be a little concerned if someone else were to stand in the high frequency beam of death for any length of time. Maybe I'll see about putting something in front of the tweeter to tame it a bit. I could always look to mod it in the future I guess.

Zentman, how much noise is there when yours are powered on with nothing connected? Both of mine are pretty darn quiet, but one of them has a kind of ticking square wave sound instead of the normal low level white noise hiss. It's very quiet and nothing you'd hear in normal operation, but I'm a little concerned maybe something is wrong with it. I haven't yet tried to isolate sources of interference, but they're both in the same outlet and close to each other, so I feel like it's something else. I might call Kustom to see what they say. I suppose I could do an exchange return through MF if it comes to it.

Overall....quite pleased so far. Thanks again for the heads up.

Mine are dead quiet. Try running 4k and 8k on the global all the way down then roll up to taste. Use the XLR outs on the axe.

Yup, I'm already rolling off the highs to taste and I'm using the XLR's. The minor noise is present on only one of them and even with nothing plugged in. The other one has a very faint noise floor, but essentially what I'd call dead quiet. Much quieter than other powered speakers I've used. I'll call Kustom tomorrow to see what the story is.

So with the highs rolled back would you gig with them? How do you like the sound as a guitar amplifier over all?
zentman said:
So with the highs rolled back would you gig with them? How do you like the sound as a guitar amplifier over all?
I'd absolutely gig with them. My main concern at a gig is being able to hear myself and I have no doubt that these would deliver on that. I don't know if I would want to point them at the audience, as they can be a bit piercing. I'd be wearing earplugs anyway, so it wouldn't bother me as much. Maybe they'll smooth out after I break them in a bit.

By the way, I switched them on before work today and that noise I mentioned is completely gone, so no idea what caused it. I'm happy as a clam now, since they are both whisper quiet. You wouldn't even know they're on unless you put your ear up to the tweeter. Nice!
mitch said:
zentman said:
So with the highs rolled back would you gig with them? How do you like the sound as a guitar amplifier over all?
I'd absolutely gig with them. My main concern at a gig is being able to hear myself and I have no doubt that these would deliver on that. I don't know if I would want to point them at the audience, as they can be a bit piercing. I'd be wearing earplugs anyway, so it wouldn't bother me as much. Maybe they'll smooth out after I break them in a bit.

By the way, I switched them on before work today and that noise I mentioned is completely gone, so no idea what caused it. I'm happy as a clam now, since they are both whisper quiet. You wouldn't even know they're on unless you put your ear up to the tweeter. Nice!
I have my 4k at minus 12db. If that doesn't do it for you push all the EQ sliders to the top (+12db) then lower the gain as much. That will gove you another 12db to cut and you can turn the monitors in to woofers. :)
zentman said:
mitch said:
zentman said:
So with the highs rolled back would you gig with them? How do you like the sound as a guitar amplifier over all?
I'd absolutely gig with them. My main concern at a gig is being able to hear myself and I have no doubt that these would deliver on that. I don't know if I would want to point them at the audience, as they can be a bit piercing. I'd be wearing earplugs anyway, so it wouldn't bother me as much. Maybe they'll smooth out after I break them in a bit.

By the way, I switched them on before work today and that noise I mentioned is completely gone, so no idea what caused it. I'm happy as a clam now, since they are both whisper quiet. You wouldn't even know they're on unless you put your ear up to the tweeter. Nice!
I have my 4k at minus 12db. If that doesn't do it for you push all the EQ sliders to the top (+12db) then lower the gain as much. That will gove you another 12db to cut and you can turn the monitors in to woofers. :)
That's way more extreme than I need at 4k. :shock: I think I was at roughly -4dB at 4k and maybe double that at 8k. I don't know if I really even care much about 8k, since the really piercing stuff is down around 4k anyway. On the bass side, I didn't find I really needed to cut much at all, but I didn't have them cranked way way up though. I actually thought the bass was not all that strong, which makes sense given the 70Hz spec (no indication of how many dB down it is at that point though). Oddly enough, the box it shipped in had a spec on it of 60Hz, but everywhere else indicates it is 70. Regardless, it's fine for most anything I need. I was also trying them in my smallish home studio, and I'm sure there are bass issues in that room anyway that could change the sound significantly depending on where I'm standing. Next time I have a jam, I'll open them up and see what they sound like in a proper setting.
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