New User - Top YouTube Tutorials?

Welcome @Rolf1

As others have suggested, Leon’s stuff is comprehensive and educational. Also, @Burgs is generous a with his time and knowledge. Also, have a look at @Moke, @Burgs, and @austinbuddy presets for a great start


I'll begin by saying, I'm brand new to Fractal as well as the FXIII.
My FXIII is still in route to me and I'm trying to get a jumpstart on my education.

Since they're are a plethora of YouTube videos out there, I'm trying to sort out the good ones from the other's.
Can you recommend some decent channels that provide excellent beginner tutorials? Yes, I've been reading the manual but videos are great too.

Thanks folks,
As you can see, we have a few members here with fantastic tutorials to get you on your feet. While you may not retain a ton of it, I do recommend reading the manual once or twice. Axe edit gets you up and running quick, mind you.
Welcome to the club!
This forum is a great place to pickup great tips and info. There are a ton of insanely knowledgeable users on here - and of course Matt and Cliff.

As far as YT - I wouldn't know half of what I know without Leon and Cooper's videos.

But if you're just starting out with a new unit - Rosh Roslin is the way to go.

Very easy to follow, ordered instructional videos that show the AxeEdit screen share with detailed explanations.
He also offers a lot of interesting viewpoints on rig construction I haven't heard anywhere else.

All in all, a very well done series of beginner tutorials.

Cooper has some great tips (on the G66 YouTube channel especially) and Leon's VAST wealth of info is spread throughout a ton of his vids on his channel.

The best stuff is usually found in the videos detailing the various firmware updates and new features.

One newcomer on YT that makes solid Fractal tutorials is Matthew Dale.
Check him out too. Very well done and a great player.
Welcome to the club!
This forum is a great place to pickup great tips and info. There are a ton of insanely knowledgeable users on here - and of course Matt and Cliff.

As far as YT - I wouldn't know half of what I know without Leon and Cooper's videos.

But if you're just starting out with a new unit - Rosh Roslin is the way to go.

Very easy to follow, ordered instructional videos that show the AxeEdit screen share with detailed explanations.
He also offers a lot of interesting viewpoints on rig construction I haven't heard anywhere else.

All in all, a very well done series of beginner tutorials.

Cooper has some great tips (on the G66 YouTube channel especially) and Leon's VAST wealth of info is spread throughout a ton of his vids on his channel.

The best stuff is usually found in the videos detailing the various firmware updates and new features.

One newcomer on YT that makes solid Fractal tutorials is Matthew Dale.
Check him out too. Very well done and a great player.
Thank you for the mention!
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